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Research On Main Financial Risk Control Of Tianjin V Trading Company

Posted on:2015-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330452470081Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
International trade is an important section to measure the extent of nationaleconomic opening which includes the absolute value of international trade, theproportion international trade accounts for GDP in a country. Since the Reform andOpening-up in1978, China’s exports grow year by year and make breakthrough of4trillion for the first time in2013reaching4.16trillion historically while exceedingUS’s yearly total trade of3.9trillion, becoming the biggest trading nation in theworld.However, huge risks are hidden in international trade. For one thing, grate tradesurplus exists and the products of which are most low value-added or nationalrecourses involved such as textile, handwork, wood or rare earth, etc. With thedecrease of national resource, the increase of income per capita as well as the rise ofraw material price, the advantages we enjoyed before vanish. For another thing,various risks deluge the exporting companies in China such political risk, exchangerate risk, credit risk and manage risk which all influence the survival of exportingcompanies, as a result, showing great impact on the healthy development ofinternational trade.In enterprise operation, financial stability is of great importance while the abilityfor trading company to hold the risk of financial capital lays critical function on theliving space under such severe circumstances. This thesis tries to analyze the potentialfinancial risk through flow of funds and to compare the respective merits anddrawback of different funds controlling devices. Also, real working experience inTianjin V Trading Company is added combining some practical case study in order toreveal a variety of financial risks and seek for proper countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trading financial risk, Project investment income, Foreign exchangerisk, Payment terms
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