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Research On Implementation Heterization Of Chinese Affordable Housing Policy From The Angle Of Intergovernmental Interests Game

Posted on:2015-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434965609Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over2000years ago, great idedogist Mencius presented the concept of “home owership”.The poem-sage Dufu sent out inner feeling of housing-----“Seeking for a great mansion with tenthousand rooms where all poor on earth could find welcome shelter which is immovability like amountain” to all the world in more than1000years ago. Physiological needs in Theory ofMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are regarded as most basic human needs, which include housingneeds. Only the physiological needs are met that can people persure other high-levelrequirements. Residents to housing is a historic and realistic proposition, which has always beenpeople’s survival dream. Today in21st century, having a house is still the hearts desire of1.3billion chinese people.Meeting the people’s most basic needs for housing is the public products which governmentshould provide preferentially. This not only conductive to make people live and work in peaceand contentment but also maintain social harmony and stability,reduce social management cost,create favorable investment enviroment. Therefore, as a social function, it’s incumbent ongovernment to achieve people’s ideal of “home owership”. In terms of leaders, they solve thepeople’s housing problems through using administrative measures and making public policies, sothat the majority of low and medium-income groups can share the fruits of economicdevelopment and thousands of people achieve the dream of residents to housing. This not onlymeans a great courage and wisdom but also shows a kinds of feeling and responsibility to thepeople.Facing the new situation, communist party and the central government fully realize theimportance and urgency of the establishment of affordable housing security system and speedingup the resolution of low and middle-income groups’ housing problems. Therefore, communistparty and the central government make significant deployment, intensify policy support, andgradually establish and improve the housing security system in our country.Including start-up ofthe largest affordable housing policy in human history, thus thousands of people achieve thedream of residents to housing. We have made great achievement, however, there are manyproblems exposed, such as the shortages in total supply of affordable housing, low overall quality,unreasonable structure of supply,and low level and optimizing degrees and so on. The problems of "slow, poor, partial and handling" also exist in the construction of affordable housing. Theseproblems seriously violated the original intention of this policy and made this livelihood projectdiminished in some way, caused many negative effects in society, even became many socialconflicts and mass incidents "fire point". As the two main subjects of affordable housing securityresponsibility, the central and local governments in the institutional arrangements andimplementing aspects of improving the affordable housing policy has unshakable responsibility.For a long time, local government has paid attention to consider the topical economic interestsand ignored the construction of affordable housing, which formed a game with centralgovernment. The actual effects of affordable housing policies that formulated by the centralgovernment are mostly dependment on the attitude of local government implementation.Intergovernmental interests game has been the major reason of implementation heterization ofaffordable housing policy. Based on that, analyzing the causes of poor implementation ofChinese affordable housing policy and exploring optimal implementation paths of the affordablehousing policy is a new research perspective from the angle of intergovernmental interests game.Meanwhile, it has strong practical and theoretical significance.The thesis discusses the implementation heterization problems of Chinese affordablehousing policy through using the methods of theoretical research, case studies and empiricalstudies and selects X-county in Jiangxi province and the implementation of affordable housingpolicy in Singapore as a case of pros and cons which analyses closely from the perspective ofinterests game. On this basis, the thesis puts forward the advices and strategies to futherstrengthen the implementation of affordable housing policy from the three aspects of ideologicalunderstanding, scientific decision-making and establishing regulations.
Keywords/Search Tags:AffordableHousing, PublicPolices, PolicyImplementation, PolicyHeterization, Interests Game
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