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Research On The Competitive Strategy Of The Rural Credit Cooperative Of DingXiang County

Posted on:2015-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434959116Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the background of the continuous development of China’s rural economy, the financial needs of the vast rural areas is growing and the quality of financial services requirements is also increasing. The main providers of financial services in rural areas are the Rural Credit Cooperatives which is widely distributed in China’s rural areas. We can say that the development of the Rural Credit Cooperatives directly affect the development of the rural financial services. The current development situation of rural credit cooperatives is the coexistence of opportunities and challenges. On the one hand the rural financial market is expanding, on the other hand the level of service to rural credit cooperatives put forward higher requirements.Recently China’s rural credit cooperatives as a whole has single development, backward management system, lack of management personnel and other issues, Based on this, the rural credit cooperatives requires action at all levels of strategy and tactics to face this new challenge. In recent years, China’s rural credit cooperatives are in a transitional period of development, many rural credit cooperatives are being transformed into rural commercial banks or rural cooperative banks or plan to being transformed into rural commercial banks or rural cooperative banks. In this paper, to analyze Dingxiang County plans to transform rural credit cooperatives on rural commercial bank in a few years time.In this paper, the development of rural credit cooperatives Dingxiang take Porter market competition as the basic theory research methods, using a variety of strategic management tool to fully and take appropriate comparative research, case studies, quantitative and qualitative research methods. Dingxiang County Rural Credit Cooperative of industry transformation strategy and implementation methods are analyzed, and thus provide a reference for the development of rural credit cooperatives dingxiang counties. This paper is to generate and manage the evolution of strategic thinking to do some elaborate, and through field research, get a lot of valid data. In the method, the guidance of Porter’s five forces model "PEST", on the competitive environment of rural credit cooperatives Dingxiang County, the overall environment and the industry environment to do a very detailed analysis illustrates the changes in its external environment brought about new threats and opportunities, and from the four aspects of economic, policy and legal, technical and socio-cultural analysis carried out specific research; And from the key factors and the overall competitiveness of the banking industry to start, draw general conclusions, pointing out the banking industry may be more competition intensified, the overall profit margins may decline, On this basis, the bank companies want to succeed, we must from the corporate image and reputation, and competitors in the comparative analysis of conditions drawn up in rural Dingxiang industry conditions and the specific direction of the status of credit unions.The basis of the previous section, the paper also takes full advantage of SWOT model dingxiang County Rural Credit Cooperatives were comprehensive and integrated analysis of internal and external factors, and based on this result specifically formulated specific strategic objectives of its development, and confirmed the proposed fixed long-term development strategy Xiang County rural Credit Cooperatives differentiation agglomeration.In the last article, Clarifies how Dingxiang gathering using differentiated strategies to establish the relative advantages of their own development. Specifically includes an updated business ideas, the development of human resources, optimize the organizational structure, development of corporate culture, the establishment of a learning organization, fully embodies the-feasibility strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Credit Cooperatives, Enterprise Strategy, Competitive
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