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The Study On The Bill Business Risk Management Of ICBC Shenzhen Branch

Posted on:2015-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434457056Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Notes is a free flow of securities which is issued by the drawer, committed himself orentrust a third party unconditionally pay the amount within the stipulated time. As a virtual,non-direct settlement payments, bills to carry out the business of banking plays an importantrole because it is not only to improve the capital structure of enterprises, accelerate cash flow,but also can promote the prosperity of the financial markets, raise money working efficiency.From the point of view from the overall market environment, paper market demonstratedmarket demand, the huge potential for development. However, under our current creditenvironment policy and legal bills not yet complete, how to identify and prevent risks havebecome bank managers must seriously face the issue, and this is also the significance of thisstudy.This paper took the ICBC Shenzhen Branch’s bill business as a specific object study,though studying the bills risk theory by scholars at home and abroad, pointed out theproblems between in the notes risk management, including operational risk managementwas mere formality, too much emphasis on credit risk management, risk managementtechnology was lagging behind, lack of a sound system of risk reporting and risk managementshould be improved systemic, analyzed the causes and risk content of credit, operational andmarket risk existence in the bank bill business. On the basis, the author constructed ICBCShenzhen Branch bill business risk management process system which combines specificproduct lines from the paper business, operations, credit, interest rate risk preventionmeasures and the integration of risk management processes. Otherwise, the article alsodiscussed the specific implementation of system, the first was to design risk managementstrategies, including clear objectives and business risk management ballot and business riskadjustment governance model; the second was to establish a sound risk management process,specifically including improving risk identification assessment system, making strict riskcontrol measures, monitoring of assets notes timely and designing risk reporting channels; thethird was to continue improve the basis of risk management, specifically includingimproving risk management systems and risk management mechanisms, cultivating aprofessional risk management team; the fourth is to foster good risk management environment,specifically including promoting the bills center’s risk culture and establishing goodcommunication channels.This article not only makes a useful exploration for business risk management ofcommercial banks bills, better to help ICBC Shenzhen Branch resolved the problems betweenin notes risk management process, meet the practical requirements of prudent operation,improve the risk management and market competitiveness of banks. In addition, theconclusions of the article can also provide a reference and reference for other commercialbank bills business risk management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bill Business, Risk, Management System
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