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Research On Commercial Bank’s Linkage Marketing Based On Customer Value

Posted on:2015-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434456298Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, significant changes in the operating environment of commercialbanks took place. Increasingly diverse needs, Customer no longer satisfied with thedeposit and loan products, began to shift to integrated services; financial changecontinues to accelerate, Financial innovations continue to emerge, the trend is moreobvious comprehensive operations, financial disintermediation intensified,commercial banking monopoly position to accelerate the break, the industryincreasingly competitive, non-bank financial institutions will continue to extend theareas of business to commercial banks, private banks began to build, the InternetFinancial eroding the market share of the bank. In this situation, commercial banksmust strengthen linkage marketing. give full play the comprehensive advantages, inorder to win customers, in order to gain the initiative in the fierce market competition,in order to better achieve their own development.Although commercial banks have advocated linkage marketing, but practiced ashort time, is not mature enough. More on linkage marketing Research, but fewstudies on linkage marketing of commercial Bank. And domestic theorists rarely fromperspective of customer value, to study linkage marketing. Therefore, often only studythe linkage marketing within the organization (head office and branches, branches andbranches), but rarely get involved in products, channels and image.This paper reviews the theories of marketing, including4P、4C、4R theory,analyses the emergence, connotation and characteristics of linkage marketing. Theauthor believe that commercial banks linkage marketing mainly rooted in large-scale,internal segmentation are quite obvious. This article will introduce customer valuetheory among marketing theory, based on the existing theory, demonstrated the centralrole of customer value in the linkage marketing of the commercial banks. Combinedwith industry specificity, analysis of customer value of commercial banks,commercial banks raised as special services, which customer value mainly affectedproducts, employees, channels, image, so the commercial banks to develop linkagemarketing must also be from the products, employees, channels, image. and thus tofurther clarify the meaning of the commercial banks based on customer value linkagemarketing.In this paper, combined with the results of theoretical study, the author analyzed the HJ Bank for linkage marketing, that it exists product segmentation,marketing team segmentation, marketing channel segmentation, image advertisingsegmentation, performance evaluation segmentation, customer satisfaction nothigh.To solve the problem, the author proposed opinions and suggestions: First,establish a customer-centric operating system. Second is to promote customer-centric products linkage. Third is to promote customer-centric staff linkage. Fourth isto promote customer-centric channel linkage. Five is to promote customer-centricidentity image linkage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial Bank, Customer Value, Linkage Marketing
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