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The Research On Medical Behavior And Impact Factors Of Urban Residents

Posted on:2015-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434452575Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of China’s society and economy,and the deepening of medical and health system reform, especially the implementation of the.medical system for urban residents,health care conditions of urban residents have been greatly improved.However, rapid growth of health care expenditure, unfair distribution of health resources,the contradiction between demand and supply in health care and the problem of "medical treatment is difficult and expensives" have seriously affected the willingness of medical care of urban residents, health care direction and effect,which has attracted widespread attention.However, the country’s basic health care system is still a "wide coverage, low-level"."Difficult and Expensive" problem when seeking medical advice is still not completely resolved. The health care costs is still showing an increasing trend, and the supply of medical resources is clearly insufficient.In order to solve this problem gradually, on the one hand, the state increases the investment to basic social medical insurance through the central finance, on the other hand continuing to adopt policies to encourage the development of private medical institutions. Whether the polices alleviate the problems when seeking medical advice, we could checkout it through the residents medical behaviors.In general, medical behavior refers to the people’s conception and actions about seeking medical advice when people feels unwell or some symptoms of the disease, or even now there is no discomfort, bu feeling it may to be taken seek.The medical behaviors of the residents are the fundamental reasons for the generation, the development,and the changes of the system of medical insurance. Only mastering the residents’ seeking behavior and it’s characteristics, can be targeted to areas of health care and health insurance system reform and improvement, thus better meeting the medical needs of the residents.In previous studies, researchers do their researches mainly in the medical behavior or the health insurance the medical behavior aspect, it includes the characters and the impact factors of the medical behavior.In the health insurance aspect,it includes the development proposals and the efficiency of the health insurance. However, analysis of the influence about the medical insurance to residents’medical decisions and choices of the medical institutions is not much. This paper will analyze the impact factors of the residents’medical behavior, and will focus on the impact of health insurance on medical behavior. The results will provide some empirical basis for the reform of the health care system.The research is based on the data of the China Health and Nutrition Survey collected in2000,2004,2006,and2009.The China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), an ongoing open cohort, international collaborative project between the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, was designed to examine the effects of the health, nutrition, and family planning policies and programs implemented by national and local governments and to see how the social and economic transformation of Chinese society is affecting the health and nutritional status of its population. The impact on nutrition and health behaviors and outcomes is gauged by changes in community organizations and programs as well as by changes in sets of household and individual economic, demographic, and social factors.The survey was conducted by an international team of researchers whose backgrounds include nutrition, public health, economics, sociology, Chinese studies, and demography. The survey took place over a3-day period using a multistage, random cluster process to draw a sample of about4400households with a total of26,000individuals in nine provinces that vary substantially in geography, economic development, public resources, and health indicators. In addition, detailed community data were collected in surveys of food markets, health facilities, family planning officials, and other social services and community leaders.For the measurement of health seeking behavior, the study chooses two variables,the treatment of disease when people fell ill and the selection of medical institutions. According to whether to take professional treatment when sick people’s medical behavior can be divided into two aspects.seeking medical treatment and self-treatment.Different choice of the treatment will directly affect the subsequent medical action. Therefore, treatment of the disease is a very important variable, it should be selected as a measurement variable.The research makes the two variables selected above as the dependent variable, and establishes two binary logistic discrete choice model to analyze the impact factors of the medical behavior. For the dependent variable, the study selected them mainly from three aspects, the medical insurance, the disease situation and the personal characteristics.The article is organized as follows:Chapter one, Introduction. It Introduces the research background, research questions raised by the research background, the current research situation at home and abroad, the paper’s structure, and the innovation aspect.Chapter two. The theory and methods will be used in the study. It Introduces the theories of knowledge and research methods. Logistic model theory theory and subsequent research, including the fundamental health insurance of our country and problems in policy implementation,and the logistic model theory.Chapter three. The impact factors model of disease treatment. It studies the factors that influence residents’disease treatment approaches mainly from the perspective of medical decision-making. And emphasizing the impacts of residents’ disease treatment.Chapter four.The impact factors model about choice of the medical institutions. it studies the factors that influence the residents’ choice of private and non-private medical institutes. And analyzing the impact of health insurance on the medical institutions.Chapter five, conclusions and policy recommendations. This chapter firstly summarizes the results of the study in the previous section, and then presents some policy recommendations for health care reform in our country.Through empirical analysis, the research finally reached some valuable results.From the impact of health insurance on medical acts, the empirical results show that the health insurance had no significant effect on disease treatment, but health insurance produces a selective exclusion on private medical institutions, residents’ choices probability of private medical institutions who have health insurance were significantly lower than residents not have.Another the other factors’ influence on the health seeking behavior was also analyzed in the article.Based on the results obtained, the article put forward some policy recommendations in the final chapter.In improving residents’treatment rate, the existing urban medical insurance reimbursement can gradually expand the scope of the medical reimbursement. The "medical separation"policy should also be implemented as soon as possible. So as to control the price of drugs and continue to improve doctor-patient relationship.In terms of the development of private medical institutions, scientific evaluation mechanism should be drew up to bring the private medical institutes which meet the standards into the designated medical institutions.And government departments should also strengthen operational support for the establishment of private medical institutions.In the development of medical insurance, medical insurance should establish a special fund for the insured’s disease health education, and continuously improve residents’ awareness of common diseases, improve their understanding of disease status. Another rarely choose medical treatment for insured residents, medical insurance should be provided to the insured who rarely choose the medical treatment to keep abreast of their own health.
Keywords/Search Tags:Insurance for medical care, Impact factors, Behaviors of seeking medicalcare, Urban residents
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