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The Investigation On Pet Food Purchasing Behavior Of Chengdu Urban Residents

Posted on:2015-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434452420Subject:Consumer Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This essay studies the pet food purchasing behavior of Chengdu urban residents.Access to existing literature, mostly from corporate marketing research perspective. Therefore, the main consumer perspective in this article to explore Chengdu residents to purchase pet food consumption behavior has consumer features, including the purchase of consumer psychology, behavior, information processing, etc. Empirical investigation of the Chengdu status of residents in consumer behavior pet dog food, a comparative analysis with other regions of the similarities and differences between consumer behavior. Consumers in the study of factors concerned pet dog food purchase and behind this demand, as reflected in the interests of consumers and psychological needs, to better grasp the Chengdu area residents to purchase dog food pet behavior, hoping to provide the production and operation of domestic and foreign manufacturers and reference brand building, to make it better through better product development, production and differentiation to meet the different needs of consumers.The thesis is divided into six parts:The first part is the introduction, introduces the research background and significance of this proposed research and research methods, mainly in the purchase behavior of residents of the main line, using field survey methods, through questionnaires to collect receipts, finally pointed out in this article may Innovation and insufficient content.The second part is to define the concept and theoretical basis, first pet, pet dog, pet dog food concept to define, pet dog food is designed for dogs pet food nutrition, to determine the object to be studied. Second, consumer buying behavior introduces major theoretical perspectives to explain several models of consumer purchasing decisions, there Kotler behavior selection mode, Nicosia model, Engel-Ke Late-Blackwell mode. Finally, the theory in this paper to use the6W+6O theory. The third part is the pet dog of Chengdu residents empirical analysis of food purchasing behavior survey, questionnaire design instructions first, introduces the development status of the pet market in Chengdu and future prospects, and then processed according to survey data collected were purchased from consumer groups, products, information acquisition, purchase, buy aim of the six aspects of pet dog food attitudes were analyzed.The fourth part is affected residents to purchase dog food pet behavioral factors analyzed here mainly using factor analysis, the factors that influence the behavior of residents to purchase five common factors extracted, namely product features, individual experience, product quality, brand and cost-effective, word of mouth, and factor analysis based on different consumer behavior analysis.The fifth part is the conclusion and suggestions, a brief summary of the main conclusions of this study, for pet dog food producers, especially China’s pet dog food companies in product development, market position, looking for potential demand, marketing campaigns, brand building recommendations made exploratory aspects. Further deeper thinking from the perspective of the government and consumers, proposed to strengthen the supervision of food safety and the protection of pet pet welfare Finally, further research studies in this paper shortage and beyond.This paper attempts to innovate in the following two ways:1.the innovation on content of research. Pet spending is an emerging market, relatively few pet food, research studies have been mostly pet food companies do marketing personnel, the paper studies specific to the residents to purchase dog food pet behavior, so this article residents buy pet dog food on the behavior of this content may be innovative.2.resident pet dog food empirical research purchasing behavior. In this paper, the design and collection of questionnaires, data empirical study of consumer behavior and the factors that influence consumer choice, empirical research on consumer behavior and influencing factors yet, this article on the empirical research on pet dog food may have innovative.
Keywords/Search Tags:pet food, purchasing behavior, pet consumption
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