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From Cultural Ambassadors To Cultural Brokers: A Study On Guide Group Situations

Posted on:2015-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431998165Subject:Chinese Minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the continuous development of tourism, tourist guideproblems emerge in endlessly, especially the contradiction between "tour guidesand tourists" event is very common. Deterioration of the re-lations between tourguides and tourists is not only reflected in language, even up to his fists limbs,evenin serious criminal cases. What is a group of tourist guide? What is the nature ofguest-host relationship between tour guides and tourists? This study using the classical economics theory,ex-change theory, relative deprivation theory, on the fieldpoint guide relev-ant background, working content, living conditions such as mas-ter, on the basis of in-depth discussion from the perspective of tourism anthro-pology of an exchange of tour guide and the interaction between tourists and im-balance, and competition from the market, guide the voice, the sense of belonging,sense of relative deprivation, and the perspective of customers is the marketingconcept of god, both the cause of the imbalance in the exchange, and explore thenew way to achieve the harmony between the two sides both. This research willbroaden the research perspective of tourism anthropology, enrich the researchcontent of tourism anthropology, but also to regulate the tourism development ofour country provides new theoretical perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural angel, brokers, guide group, situation
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