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The Study On Internal Control Of Purchasing Management In The ZT

Posted on:2015-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
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Recently, construction industry has been growing expansion. With lots of events,such as joining WTO in2001, hosting Olympic Games at2008, etc. have happened,construction industry is speeding up its global process. All the facts such as the buildingof cultural and sports venues, the constructing of large-scale infrastructure, thedeveloping of real estate project and lots of international program reflect thatconstruction industry is one of the important part of the development of nationaleconomy. In recent years, the risk that construction industry facing is up, at the same timethat the competition within construction industry is growing more and more fiercely.The risk that the construction enterprises face is hidden all over the process such ascontract management, general contracting and subcontracting, progressing of the project,quality and safety. It will bring huge economic loss and legal responsibility to theseenterprises if risks are not taken control effectively. As matter of fact, bad risk awarenessand weak internal control have always been the direct causes of safety and qualityaccidents. As high risky as it is, the construction enterprise need to take lots of methodsto improve its internal control and risk management.This article from ZT Group actual situation, the use of this important internalcontrol risk control measures, to strengthen the company’s internal control over ZTGroup procurement operations, enhance the ability to resist risks in the enterprise marketcompetition. ZT Group hopes that it will help improve the internal control situationpurchasing management, and other construction enterprises have a reference.Writing full text is divided into four parts:The first part of the introduction. Introduces the background and significance, aswell as domestic and international literature review of internal control theory, and the textof a brief introduction.The second part of the case description. Introduces the basic situation ZT GroupCompany, and its overview of purchasing management and related description of theproblem.The third part of the case studies. First, the analysis applied to the internal controlrelevant to the theory expounded, and then using the theory of ZT Group procurement operations to analyze the problems, identify the causes of problems.The fourth part, suggestions and conclusions. The proposed specific measures toimprove procurement operations for the ZT Group Internal Control Problems. And givesthe final conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Building enterprise, Internal control, Purchasing management
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