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The Research On The Factors Affecting The Sino-US High-tech Intra-product Specialization

Posted on:2015-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431950279Subject:Applied Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the end of the20thcentury, the development of economic globalization hasbrought about the deepening of international division of labor. The traditional patternof industry specialization has transferred into intra-product specialization because ofthe processes and sections. That is, The international division of labor graduallyevolved from inter-industries specialization and intra-industry specialization tointra-product specialization. Nowadays, the intra-product specialization has becomeone of the main form of international specialization and the fastest part of growth ininternational trade as well. In this context, the intra-product trade, which based on theintra-product specialization began to grow, becoming a hot issue in the field ofinternational trade. At the same time,the Sino-U.S. Bilateral trade,which plays asignificant role in the global economy and trade pattern rapidly developed. And thehigh-tech products trade has almost replaced the role of agriculture,textile,leatherproducts, clothing and other traditional products in Sino-U.S. trade status, becomingthe largest componet of bilateral trade. In this case, this paper will select the high-techproducts for this specific industry sector as an example on the perspective ofintra-product specialization and make analysis on the Sino-U.S. Bilateral trade deeply,in order to investigate in what extent of he Sino-U.S. High-tech products trade withinthe intra-product division and the primary factors which have the impact ontheintr-product specialization.With the method of linking theory with practice, the paper analyzes the situationof Sino-U.S. trade of high-tech products based on two aspects:theory and empiricalanalysis on the perspective of intra-product specialization. After describing thebackground and significance of the artical,the author summerizes the researchfindings of the domestic and foreign scholars and experts in this field. Secondly, thepaper summerizes main methods for the calculation of the degree of intra-productspecialization,then describes the scale and structual features of Sino-U.S. High-techproducts trade. Furthermore, it calculates the degree of division of labor of Sino-U.S.High-tech products by using the method of input-output and vertical specializationindex. Thirdly,the artical explores the primary factors which have an impact onSino-U.S. High-tech products trade on the bases of intra-product division. Forthly, bycollecting and collating panel data and setting up econometric model,the thesis makes further empirical testing on the Sino-U.S. high-tech products trade.And the resultsshow that the resources endowments,the economic of scale anf the trade tafiffs arethe main factors which influence the degree of intro-product specialization. Finally,based on the theoretical and empirical analysis drawn before, this paper puts forwardsuggestions from five corresponding aspects and reaches a basic conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intra-product Specialization, High-tech Products, Sino-US Trade
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