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Case Study On Marketing Channel Management Of ZIC Gold Investment Company

Posted on:2015-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G D LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Firstly, this paper introduces and analyzes the background, the structure andfunction of ZIC and its marketing channel management. And then it elaborates onthe three periods and the critical points of the marketing channel management.Secondly, it shows a systematical viewpoint of the chances and challenges,management strategy by SWOT analysis. And then the result of primary deficiencyof this management system was got. On this basis, through Michael Porter’s ValueChain Model analysis, we may assure the procedures and the importance of whichin marketing channel management from the point of pursuit for profits. Thirdly, itmakes a relative analysis on collisions in marketing channels based on the MichaelPorter’s Value Chain Model analysis results and then a discovery is found that‘Scissor’ effect existing between the marketing channel collisions andstandardizing management. Then it finds the causes of marketing collisionscombined with field verification of the company business. At the same time, itsystematically analyzes the problems and causes back-office support of marketingchannel management step by step. Finally, it gives the advices and optimizingsolutions to related problem referred above. This may help solve the problems ofthe marketing channel collisions and weak back-office support, which willpromote the development of China precious metals industry greatly and improvethe management level of precious-metals-related firms actively and meaningfully.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gold investment, Marketing channel, Marketing channel collisions, Scissor effects
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