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The Analysis And Optimization Of The Reproducible Sow Insurance’ Implementation Effect In Shandong Province

Posted on:2015-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431473195Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, livestock production based in pig breeding, occupies an important position inthe national product. Pig farming is one of the main farmers ’ income, but also an importantmeans of increasing farmers’ income. Most of our backyard hog production form or belong tosmall-scale pig breeding process in the disease occurs when there is, especially in largeeconomic losses caused serious epidemics occur, will hog producers. In rural pig farming,farms (households) are most worried about is the risk of problems. This vulnerability pigindustry resulting in China’s pig farms (households) need a way to spread risk transfer andsharing of economic loss risk management mechanism, the government is supporting thedevelopment of pig breeding industry put forward with such sows Insurance function.Shandong Province as the country’s pig production and consumption province, itsoptimization can be complicated sow insurance has good representation thesis not only hasguiding significance for improving Shandong sow insurance, while the other provinces andeven the country also has a certain significance. In this paper, by analyzing the effect ofShandong Province, the implementation can be complicated sow insurance, farms(households) in the purchase decision analysis, game analysis and optimization of moralhazard sows insurance countermeasures four steps to start research.Firstly, the paper analyzes the profile of Shandong Province since sows Insurance policyimplementation, since the implementation of the policy drawn, although various subjects areactively involved in the implementation, but the implementation was not able to achieve thedesired effect, the insurance companies underwriting enthusiasm decreased year by year,farms (households) insured are not enthusiastic. On this basis, introduces ShandongProvince sow insurance business model, summarized prevail commercial business model andbusiness model combined the two modes. In order to evaluate the effect of ShandongProvince, the implementation can be complicated sow insurance, certainly since theimplementation of the policy on the role of mobilizing the enthusiasm of farmers anddecentralized farming and other aspects of risk. Finally, noting the current Shandong sowinsurance of farms (households), insurance companies, government, insurance provisionsdesigned to varying degrees of four issues.Then, we use binary Logistic regression model, using the survey results of17cities inShandong Province, on farms (households) sows the insurance purchase decision factors asfor the empirical analysis. According farms (households) of the basic characteristics,production and operation characteristics, psychological perception characteristics of farms (households) questionnaires were descriptive statistical analysis, regression analysis, the "scale of farming "," breeding age "," whether to join the cooperative organization "," whetherthe contract with the company "," pig disease and other natural risk perception "," whetherregular vaccination "," awareness of the risk provisions " seven variables farms (households)sow insurance purchasing behavior is very significant or more significant impact.Secondly, this paper Shandong sow insurance farms (households) moral hazard exists,game analysis carried out to determine the formation of a mixed strategy Nash equilibriuminsurance companies and farms (households), and then analyzes the farm (households)governance approaches moral hazard conclusion: to reduce the risk appetite of insurancecompanies, farms (households) violations preferences, monitoring costs of insurancecompanies, farms (household) income irregularities brought to increase the fines forviolations, together revenue regulations irregularities brought to the cost in case ofnon-compliance, farms (households) credit losses, and ultimately can effectively reducefarms (households) moral hazard.Finally, from the farms (households), the government, insurance companies, ShandongProvince, three levels proposed ways to optimize sow insurance.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Reproducible Sow Insurance, Logistic regression model, Game Analysis, Optimization Approaches, Shandong Province
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