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Research On The E-commerce Model Of Urban Web Portals

Posted on:2015-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F JuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422993266Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After China was officially connected to the international Internet in1994, the prosperousdevelopment of China’s Internet industry has presented its powerful vitality for the past twentyyears, and its application has shifted from the single field of news media in the past to the currentextensive fields such as information sharing in the office, marketing, service, and e-commerce.As a reflection of the regional development of China’s Internet, urban web portals are animportant way of informationization construction of China and have been valued by thegovernment all the time. However, urban web portals are not as prosperous as imagined aftertwenty years’ development. Along with the emergence of various integrated portals and verticalweb portals, urban web portals have gradually been squeezed out of the rank of mainstreamnetwork media and their development has been increasingly marginalized.On the contrary, the e-commerce brought about by the Internet as a new advanced productiveforce is now promoting the third industrial revolution–commercial revolution after agriculturalrevolution and industrial revolution in the history of mankind with its incomparably powerfulvitality. It acts on commercial circulation directly and on production, scientific research andinnovation indirectly. With the further development of the Internet-oriented electronic informationtechnology and the extensive application of information products, e-commerce further presentsnew characteristics such as pervasiveness, virtuality, individuality, sociality and magnanimous data.Just like the sun rising in the east, the application and research of e-commerce have a prospect fullof sunshine. The organic integration of the rapidly developing Internet e-commerce and urban webportals will certainly bring new development opportunity and new life to urban web portals.This paper firstly sorts out the definition and development history of urban web portals, thenanalyzes the development environment of urban web portals, and finally puts forward thee-commerce development strategy for urban web portals and carries out research by as the case. Among that, regional e-commerce is the future development tendencyof urban web portals. According to regional characteristics, the e-commerce of urban web portalsforms a trading market of interactive development online and offline and relies on the influence ofurban web portals’ community-based communication contents to effectively supplement thee-commerce model that depends on the Internet only.In conclusion, the research on the development of urban web portals’ e-commerce model hascertain reference value for studying e-commerce disciplines in theory, and is of practicalsignificance for the regional development and innovative transformation of China’s Internet inpractice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Web Portals, Regionalization, E-commerce Model
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