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Analysis On The Strategy Of A Microfiber Trading Company

Posted on:2014-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Laura Sanchez EstradaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422992726Subject:The MBA
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The People’s Republic of China has emerged as one of the largest manufacturers in theworld, being the number one due to its cheap labor and the rapid technologic developing inmanufacture, since its foundation they learned how to do all kind of products for all marketsin the world, is not a secret that many famous companies have their manufacture point in thiscountry, and it’s because the profitability is better, Chinese factories learn quickly, have thebest quality finish products and still cheap to produce in this side of the world. Long time ago(20years) Mexico had the same opportunities, unfortunately the economy and for differentsocial and political reasons this development stopped, Mexico decide to open their marketand their economy by signing10different Commercial Agreement with more than45countries, so the economy has been focused in the trading than in producing.The aim of this study is to understand the economic relationship between these two countries,how30years ago they start as being manufacturers and how with time they turned into verydifferent economies. We analyze one product: microfiber, a textile that20years ago didn′texist, how was discovered and why it has become a new technology in the cleaning supplies,in chapter two we explain why we choose this product based in the competitive theory byMichael E Porter how a new product with so many good characteristics can give acompetitive advantage based in “The advantage of the Competitive nations” in anunexplored market as Mexico, in the other side the Evolution Theory help us to understandhow a textile evolve and how efficient can be the advantages and how this innovationreflects in economic results, is and evolution theories, finding answers and new challengesfor a new market, Mexico.This paper objective is to defined a market based in the competitive strengths of the productits characteristics explaining how was born, why is so effective and the advantages consumercan has by consuming a product like this, microfiber is relatively a new product in theMexican market, there is no manufacture companies, meaning all the product existing in themarket are from import, and there are3main companies exporting from China as well, thisprovide the perfect scenario for our project. Another objective is to explain how the actualbusiness environment characteristics are how the two markets are behaving, what are the realsituation economically talking, how the two markets have been working together, and of course an analysis of the microfiber, how was born and a competitive analysis based in theMichael E Porter theory.In chapter five we described the current situation for both companies, how they are workingand their competitive advantages on their fields, one of the companies is a Chinesemanufacturer previously analyzed and a real company existing here in the city of Ningbo, acompany that is working and showing its success in some other countries, having a goodquality product with the best technology on its manufacture processes and the other an alsoexisting company in Mexico in charge of buying and distributing the product, how thiscompany decided to get into a new market and the advantages of creating new strategies anda new business model for both companies. It is important to say that even if the2companiesexist, this project is a perspective and simulation of how a third company project is born withtheir own objectives, growth plans, strategies explained in detail in chapter six, the uniqueselling point they might take advantage of, the marketing and sales strategy we propose todevelop and finally and the most important strategy the customer strategy, because here iswhere all the result of all areas in a company are reflected. All the strategies proposed hereare not yet working in the real life this is all a simulationWe hope with this project we can help to have a clear idea of how the business should workand how the cooperation should be between the2companies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Microfiber
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