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Correlation Analysis Between The Fiscal Expenditure And Economic Growth In Jilin Province

Posted on:2015-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422488996Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fiscal spending as a measure of an important factor of economic growth, withinner and outer connection between them, the research of fiscal expenditure is mainlyfrom two aspects of financial expenditure scale and structure of fiscal expenditure, inorder to promote the growth of the economy, must determine the appropriate fiscalexpenditure scale and the reasonable structure of fiscal expenditure. Since the reformand opening, there is obvious improvement in economic development of jilin province,concrete embodiment in the amount of fiscal expenditure and economy have beenincreased obviously and present a rapid growth trend. For the fiscal expenditure canmore effectively promote the growth of the economy, study the correlation of fiscalexpenditure and economic growth of jilin province will be conducive to the economicgrowth of jilin province, at the same time to drive the three northeastern provinces ofcommon economic growth is of great significance. Four times since the meeting of the11th National People’s Congress, the jilin province based on the characteristics of theirown economic development, by controlling the fiscal spending to better promoteeconomic growth, therefore, fiscal expenditure scale is relative and absolute amountand the amount of fiscal expenditure structure are the factor that we should be specificanalysis. In the context of the current situation, financial revenue and expenditureclassification reform in2007has put a lot of local fiscal expenditure is low or zerobenefits of spending cuts or clear, and advances a determines the specific classificationof fiscal expenditure structure more reasonable, however, is quite amount of fiscalspending far beyond the budget, even not reflected in the budget, together with theabsolute scale of fiscal expenditure is increasing, the local government financialtension phenomenon, and had to issue local government bonds method to solve theincreasing scale of fiscal expenditure, facing the high debt risk of local government,we have to come from deep research of fiscal expenditure scale and structure of fiscalexpenditure efficiency, hold good promote economic growth of the optimal fiscalexpenditure scale and structure of fiscal expenditure. This article through studies the relativity analysis of fiscal expenditure and economic growth in jilin province topromote jilin province the current reform of fiscal system, control the appropriate scaleof fiscal expenditure and optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure, the analysis ofthe current fiscal system reform in China also has a profound practical significance andpractical significance. This paper takes jilin province after reform and opening up thecorrelation of fiscal expenditure and economic growth as the research object, combinedwith five-year plan and the government work report, the jilin province of jilin provincefiscal expenditure scale and the effect of fiscal expenditure structure on economicgrowth has made the detailed theoretical analysis and empirical analysis. Concreteanalysis from the following four aspects: first, by using the method of theoreticalanalysis, list the specific theoretical basis of fiscal expenditure and economic growth;Second, sorting data, in jilin province during1978-2012fiscal expenditure andeconomic growth conditions make a concrete analysis; Again, using the econometricEviews software, through stepwise regression modeling method of measurement, thecondition of fiscal expenditure and economic growth in jilin province, jilin provincefiscal expenditure and GDP model is set up, from the virtual variables, multiplecollinearity, least squares (OLS) and so on many Angle model inspection, thus it isconcluded that the best model. Finally, through to the jilin province the status of thefiscal expenditure analysis and empirical analysis, put forward the problems existing inthe jilin province fiscal spending and related countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jilin province fiscal spending, Economic growth, The empiricalanalysis
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