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The Study Of Qixia And20th China’s Social Economic History Research

Posted on:2015-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422469855Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the20th century Chinese social economic history research made remarkableachievements, in numerous economic history researchers, There is no doubt that Qi Xia,this name is bright. Qi Xia time to followed the academic growth point, adhere to thehistorical research and innovation, the studies on social economic history through hisacademic career.His research spans the history of the Warring States Period to the Songand Yuan Dynasty, some social and economic issues of the Warring States Period to theFive Dynasties to do a thorough discussion, especially Liao, Song, Xia and Jin Dynastyeconomic history is conducted a comprehensive research in depth. For the politicalreformation of Wang Anshi, predecessors have a lot of controversy.Qixia used the methodof class analysis and made a new research on this important historical events.At the sametime, he also made in-depth discussion and summary on some significant social andeconomic theory problems, such as the problem of Chinese ancient society periodization,the history of farmers warfare and so on. Qixia created a philosophy of his own.Qi Xia’s achievements in the studies on social economic history is not accidental,and adhere to the correct theory and research methods are inseparable. Qi Xia believes inMarxism, he insisted on the historical materialism of doctrine of class struggle as themain and historical dialectics to guide his historical research. He attach more importanceto the textual research of historical data of comprehensive grasp and dialectical method,pays attention to the overall historical philosophy, political economics and othermulti-disciplinary knowledge studies on economic history, formed the unique style ofhistorical materialism research paradigm.Qi Xia made a significant contribution to the studies on economic history researchof Chinese society, not only his own prolific, also spared no efforts in such aspects ascultivation. Share, for highly and has trained many pillars just economic history researchand the academic elite, formed a unique "Baoding School". Therefore, in order to betterpromote the development of social economic history, to carry forward the historical heritage of the older generation of historians, it is very necessary to do more "Qi XiaHistory" in such a case study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social and Economic History, Qi Xia, Song Dynasty’s EconomicHistory
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