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Design And Realization Of On-line Meal Ordering System

Posted on:2015-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473954791Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
21st century is a collection of digital, networked information, translated into characteristics of the age.In the network as the core of society,more and more people accept this convenient and quick form of transaction e-commerce,online booking launched soon is welcomed by everyone. This article describes an online booking system(ORRS:Online Restaurant Reservation System) of the overall design and development process. The foreground and background system divided into two parts,front part is primarily a user browsing for information,booking and management,mainly user-oriented. Mainly managers of the foreground and the background data maintenance and settings.This research is put forward under this background, using JSP as the development language, and uses Tomact as a server, in development, in order to improve the development efficiency and later system maintenance, the MVC three layer mode of development. This system during the design and development, in the display layer, on the use of the method of structured and modular programming, realize the effective encapsulation of related functional module. For example, the administrator management module design, the logical JavaBean class AdminBean administrator operations on JavaBean entity class AdminClass and the package manager, and then call the checkAdminInfo() method to verify the administrator login information input by the user.In general, the main function of this system is to realize the network sales in B/S for structure of diet information release and management, including: food display,online surveys, shopping cart, checkout, member management, order inquiries, ordering management, user management, order management, bulletin management, log out,basically can meet the needs of the online meal ordering.System development and design,using the B/S(Browser/Server) structure,easy to guarantee consistency of data; database using SQL Sever2000 as the background.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online Reservation, B/S Structure, Framework Technology, Database, Software design
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