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The Design And Implementation Of Trust Financial Management System Of Anjie Investment Company

Posted on:2015-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473458425Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the specif ication of "Trust Law" and the conso lidation of the tru st corporations in our country, the trust industry has develope d rapidly. Trust finance has been gradually into people’s financial planning and become a tool of people’ s wealth management for strong security, diversified investment, stable income returns, relatively high yields and other advantag es of trust f inance. But a t the sam e time, with the business innovation of brokerage and other institutions, the com petition which trust industry is facing increasingly becomes fierce.Faced with opportunities and challenges, the paper studied on th e design and implementation of trust financial management system, in order to better respond to and meet needs of customers, and strengthening the competitiveness of Trust. Firstly, the trust financial management systems requirements were analyzed, including the overall demand of the system, functional requirements, performance requirements and ease of use requirements. Besides, the sys tem of technical feasibility, economic viability and social feasibility were analyzed. It derived that trust financial management system is ok on technically feasible, econom ically feasible and tim ing, and could be developed immediately.Secondly, trust financial m anagement system was designed. The design goals of the system were described from the asp ects of the o peration experience lifting, operations management improving, maintenance implementation and business development. The design principles of the system were introduced from the aspects of applicability, advanced, security, standardization, sustainability and others. The syste m architecture was desig ned from the aspect s of overall s ystem architecture, process design and function m odule design. The sy stem network environm ent and required hardware and software configurations were described.Then, the implem entation of trust financial m anagement system was conducted based on prototype technology, Spring Framework and Ibatis technology. Specifically, in front View layer, spring-mvc showed the data included in ModelAndV iew object returned by Spring Controller. Spring Controller of middle business layer intercepted the request, obtained param eter values, a nd handled the request by calling specific business processing code. Then Ibatis wa s integrated b y IOC of Spring and the interaction with database was conducted through the Ibatis persistence layer.Finally, the trust financial m anagement system was tested, which found that the operation of the system was nor mal, the security of the system was good, the completion of expected function was well, and the response time of the system was fast. In summary, the demand of the trust financial management system was met.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trust finance, background m anagement system, database, spring Framework
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