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Dynamics Modeling And Planning Of Rescue Robot Based On Multi-rigid-body Systems Transfer Matrix Method

Posted on:2016-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330461483602Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the rescue robot technology and application, more and more attentions are received in its flexibility and intelligence. The dynamic model has an important influence for the robot’s performance, so the discrete time transfer matrix method of multi-body system dynamics modeling is applied in this article. The concrete content includes the following aspects, combined with the actual disaster environment, designing a rescue robot structural model preliminary, setting up the dynamics model, numerical simulation analysis and trajectory planning.First of all, the function of the rescue robot was analyzed, and the design ideas were put forward, namely the rescue robot can carry the injured out of the disaster instead of the rescue workers. Model structure includes the following several main aspects: a transportation structure with the conveyor belt can transport the wounded to a cabin and the cabin can accommodate the wounded to safety; the arm can identify the victim; Chassis including walking mechanism, transmission and the drive motors are chosen; the layout and determine the overall 3D model were established.The space motion rescue robot dynamics equations were established with discrete time transfer matrix method of multi-body system. From the perspective of multi-rigid-body system dynamics, with the discrete time transfer matrix method, combining with the linear Newmark-βintegral method and nonlinear function, rescue of mobile car body and the whole mechanical arm of the robot kinematics and dynamics model was established.Extracting the basic parameters based on the rescue robot model. According to the movement situation, the boundary conditions were determined. The numerical simulation was studied by using MATLAB software and we got the process graph of each joint and the displacement, the rotation angle,the force and moment were got, then movement results of the robot was analyzed. To verify the correctness of the model, we applied the D-H method to establish its kinematic model, and its displacement curves were compared, so the results show that the transfer matrix method is accuracy and efficiency.Finally, according to the actual work situation and rescue missions, the tasks were divided into subtasks. By the cubic polynomial method over the joint space trajectory path point, an ideal subtask was planned, and we get the motion curves of corner, angular velocity and angular acceleration of time. The curve is smooth, this method is feasible.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rescue Robot, multi-body systems transfer matrix method, dynamic modeling, trajectory planning
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