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The Trested Network Framework Research And Design

Posted on:2015-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330452953526Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Trusted Computing Group define trusted network at the earliest and utilize trustedcomputing technology implemented trustworthy of network. Trusted NetworkConnect is extended for trusted platform applications by researched of TCG, it mainlyresearched the terminal before it accesses network, authentication the user identity.The TNC’s goal is extended trustworthy from the terminal credibility to wholenetwork. Network is made up terminal users and itself. Trusted network is dividedinto two areas: end-to-end network credible and trusted network.For network, the network hope each terminals which want to access to thenetwork are safe and credible. To solve the issue of terminal credibility access, peoplein the industry has focused on researching terminal access to the network and madesome achievements, for example: May2004Trusted Computing Group formedthe Trusted Network Connect group, the group mainly researches Trusted NetworkConnect framework and blocked out standards for the research and developmentwork; TNC analysis and design protection from network security to ensure thecredibility problem terminal or terminal access; in addition, the relevant aspects ofnetwork access control is also conducted in-depth research, including Microsoftdefined about network access protection architecture, Cisco defined about networkaccess control architecture, and in February2007Academician Shen Chang-xiangcombining trusted computing theory proposes ternary peer model.Analysis from the perspective of the user terminal credibility of the network, eachterminal wants to enter into a reliable and security network. Server,the terminal,network communication equipment to form a network. Process terminal access to thenetwork by the TNC technology and a variety of architectures to ensure access to theabove-mentioned terminal credibility; but credible research network equipment is stillvery little research, this part of the Trusted Network will be the future developingtrend.This paper defined a trusted network model and multistage trust mechanism,between this model and multistage for trust mechanism can ensure the credibility ofnetwork communications equipment startup process, extend to entire network trusted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trusted computing, a Trusted network model, Multistage trustmechanism, Network communication equipment
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