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Study On980nm Semiconductor Mode-locked Lasers And808nm Semiconductor Laser Array

Posted on:2015-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J SuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Semiconductor laser has been a key topic in field of the optoelectronics owing toits natural advantages such as small volume, lightweight and long lifetime. In recentyears, the study of semiconductor laser mainly focuses on semiconductormode-locked laser, dual-beam semiconductor laser and semiconductor laser array. Inthis thesis, we mainly carry out the study in three aspects.Firstly, based on semiconductor laser and the theory of mode-locked laser, wehave fabricated two-section mode-locked semiconductor laser having a saturatedabsorption zone. The relation of repetition frequency,output power, peak value powerand forward-biased current, reverse-biased volt has carried on study systematically inexperiment and related verification by applying external cavity mode-lockedsemiconductor laser tester device.Secondly, we designed a novel edge emission semiconductor laser possessingbragg reflection waveguide, which can realized dual-beam output in vertical direction.There were two beam laser output with divergence angle of about7°in the verticaldirection of±33.4°. After coating film in front and rear cavity surface of device, wecan realize laser of1.4W power output as the continuous injection current is3A andthe laser of2.26W output can be obtained as the continuous injection current is4A.The characteristic temperature of device can reach91K in the range of283K-343K.Thirdly, the chip structure, cavity surface film and structure optimization ofarray package in808nm quantum semiconductor laser array without aluminum havebeen carried out experimentally. We proposed novel window structure, which raisedCOD threshold of semiconductor laser and improved beam quality of laser. Thechange of optimum working point in semiconductor laser was studied. When thecavity surface of laser is coated by90%and5%high and low reflection coating, theslope efficiency of as high as1.63W/A can be obtained. The experiment verifiedhigher photoelectric transformation efficiency of10-13Light-emitting units can beachieved under the condition of this package through optimizing CS package.
Keywords/Search Tags:semiconductor laser, mode-lock laser, bragg reflection waveguide, twin-beam laser, semiconductor laser arrangement
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