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Case Study On Correction Of Calculational Error For Students In Elementary School

Posted on:2017-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
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Modern society is an information oriented society, people are required to possess data analysis ability to process and analyze extensive quantity of data encounter in their lives, which makes the arithmetic capability became a fundamental and substantial skill for students. Since the training of arithmetic skill is important in primary school stage and it is a major part of mathematics teaching in primary school,it makes arithmetic skill became the top priority in mathematics learning for pupils in primary school. The improvement of Pupils’ arithmetic skills can cultivate their data literacy, support their understanding of other aspects of mathematics and improve the activeness of their thinking. However, poor quality of teaching in rural primary school and less developed family background may cause pupils’ to commit more obvious arithmetic errors. This research, firstly collect arithmetic error types of third and fourth grades students in the primary school, then construct some strategies of error correction based on surveys of current arithmetic errors, and at last conduct error correction empirical case study.In this research, researcher firstly works out two sets of arithmetic test paper to investigate the arithmetic errors of the third and fourth grades students in primary school and examine the selected samples. Then these pupils’ arithmetic errors are classified and analyzed, among which the findings are: In the third grade, there are three error types in addition within ten thousand numbers, three error types in subtraction within ten thousand numbers, two errors types in addition and subtraction of fraction with same denominator and three error types in multiplication of single digit by multi-digit. In the fourth grade, there are three error types in multiplication of two digits by multi-digits and four error types in double-digit division.Base on those fingdings, supported by expectancy theory, transfer theory, reinforcement theory and trial and error theory, seven error correction strategies are constructed in this research,which are: 1. Re-cognition of arithmetic and algorithm; 2. Improvement of oral arithmetic skill; 3. Improvement of memory power; 4. Emphasis on estimation;5.Practice in pairs and in group;6. Training of a good arithmetic habit, 7.Correct error timely. Last but not the least, this research selected six pupils(who committed typical errors and scored less than 60 points) among samples from survey results, according to their arithmetic error types, six different types of error correction strategies were applied on these six pupils individually for empirical study. At the end of the semester,each of those six pupils has increased their average test scores to 70%. Therefore, the error correction strategies constructed in this research are proven to be effective and valid.Methodologies in this research are documentary, work analysis, test, trace analysis, interview, observation and case study. This research contains seven chapters,which are: Chapter One: Introduction; Chapter Two: Literature Review regarding to arithmetic errors and corrections; Chapter Three: Research Design; Chapter Four:Survey on errors of pupils of the third and the fourth grades in primary school;Chapter Five: Construction of error correction strategies base on theories; Chapter Six:Case Studies of the third and the fourth grades, and Chapter Seven: Research Conclusion and Further Thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle stage students of primary school, calculation, miscalculation, correction, individual case study
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