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Interactive Classroom Teaching High School Sports Research Loudi City

Posted on:2017-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330491950579Subject:Physical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Physical education(PE) interactive classroom teaching quality directly affect the teaching effect. From the present stage of high school sports teaching observation, physical education teachers in the teaching process interaction use undeserved cause sports teaching effect. It should be said that good and correct classroom interaction, it is necessary to improve the quality of physical education teaching.This study through the questionnaire investigation, literature material method, on-the-spot investigation method, expert interview method, mathematical statistics method. Into the high school sports class, to observe the interaction in the process of classroom teaching present situation, find the loudi city high school sports teaching interactive existence problems of summed up the factors affecting loudi city sports interactive classroom teaching, and puts forward improving the effectiveness of sports interactive classroom teaching strategy, for improving the sports classroom interaction, offer reference for improving the teaching quality. The results showed that:1.Type in Loudi City high school sports are divided into classroom interaction and students interaction teacher-student interaction, which is subdivided into interactive division, the division group interaction, all interaction, group interaction group, a group interaction of these five types.2.Verbal interaction and non-verbal interaction are two interactions Loudi City high school sports classroom teaching interaction. Verbal interactions include verbal interaction interactive sports teacher speech to students, student speech interactive sports teachers, students and between students. Non-verbal interactions include PE teachers to students verbal interaction, student sports teacher’s non-verbal interaction, non-verbal interaction between students and students.3.Loudi City high school sports classroom teaching to interact with each other problems include simple interactive boring, a mere formality, teachers dominate the interaction, teacher-student awareness of the lack of interaction, the effectiveness of individual sports interactive teaching behavior is not high.4.Professional skills proficiency, teaching behavior of PE teachers teaching language skills of PE teachers, teaching concepts PE teachers PE teachers of PE teaching teachers factors interact affected. Students look forward to physical education curriculum, student degree of acceptance of the PE teachers, students basic professional skills, peer pressure is a factor in PE teaching students to interact in. Effect of PE teaching interact with environmental factors, including venues and equipment, weather, class cohesion. Also the degree of difficulty and the amount of content sports teaching content can also affect PE teaching interaction effect.5.It proposes to establish a correct concept of PE teaching interactive evaluation; changing concepts of education, awareness-raising PE Classroom Teaching Interaction; formulate a reasonable clear PE teaching objectives; enhance sports interactive classroom diversity; improve PE teaching physical environment, create good sports psychology classroom environment; the ability of students and habits, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, interactive sport to improve the effectiveness of interactive strategies PE teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Loudi City Centre, Sports Interactive Classroom, Senior middle school
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