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Analysis Of The Cognitive Hindrance With The Final Question On College Entrance Mathematical Examination And Its Strategies

Posted on:2017-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T M RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330485470288Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mathematics takes a rather large share in college entrance examination. Final question, by possessing a unique characteristic in mathematical examination, can help to select talented students owing to the examination itself featuring a function in testing their abilities in every aspects of mathematics. The reality, however, that students are often graded poorly in terms of the final question, allows no optimism. This paper, via applying empirical research and discussing with students and teachers, attempts to clear the cognitive hindrance with regard to students’ solving such questions, and proposes proper suggestions, with an objective to provide certain assistance to the first-line teaching and learning for senior high school students.This paper comprises 5chapters.The first chapter, with respect to the current and pragmatic situation concerning this research, illustrates the background, objective, significance, and the means of this research. Chapter two, also called literature review, summarizes matters including researches on final questions, cognitive hindrance as well as hindrance in mathematic itself. Chapter three, through a method of combination of analyzing, empirical analysis, discussing with teachers and students, proceeds from the final question tests in college entrance examination, and then analyzes the test results, thus concluding the hindrance existing in students’ solving the final questions and finding the contribution factors. The fifth chapter sums up the research points the author raises up in this paper, and makes a conclusion. The author also attempts to look ahead and rethink profoundly based on his research.The research draws conclusions as follows: students, while finding solutions to the final questions, are likely to confronts with five kinds of cognitive hindrace—an inferior psychological quality, a not-so-comprehensive solving strategy, lack of basic knowledge and basic techniques, a less adequate preparation for the method of thinking of mathematics respectively. In view of those problems, the author advances correlated countermeasures:(1)clearly state the role the final question played in college entrance examination, so as to help students clear away their psychological obstacles;(2)make overall arrangements and deep analysis to form a reasonable question-solving strategy;(3)help students firmly master basic knowledge by netting the basic knowledge for them;(4) get a proficient grasp on basic techniques, especially the most commonly-used ones;(5)make an induction of conventional methods of thinking of mathematics, and help students employ them flexibly.
Keywords/Search Tags:senior high school mathematics, final questions, cognitive hindrance, countermeasure research
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