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An Empirical Study Of Association Patterns Based On Schema Theory On English Vocabulary Education In The Senior High School

Posted on:2016-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L PanFull Text:PDF
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English, the globalized language, is also a very important communication tool in the international development. Learning and mastering the language will influence the people’s development as well as the development of the nation. The New English Curriculum Standard of the middle school points out that the higher quality of the foreign language of the citizens is required by the social development and economic construction than before. The foreign language education in the middle high school is a very important process in cultivating the citizens’ foreign language quality. And the vocabulary is the foot-stone of the language, so it is very important to learn vocabulary with high efficiency. But for the long term, the attention to the vocabulary in the English teaching is insufficient and the vocabulary teaching tends to be inflexible, not emphasizing on the cultivation of the interest and methods. Therefore, exploring more effective and efficient vocabulary teaching patterns are very vital. Piaget advocated the Schema theory, emphasizing on the constructing the network of the knowledge, combining the new and former knowledge. In terms of the process of recognizing the language vocabulary, associative and analytic vocabulary learning would deepen the understanding of the vocabularies, improve the communicating ability, and enrich the performance of the vocabulary. The dissertation is based on this theory, exploring the great vocabulary teaching methods to motivate students’ interest in learning English vocabulary and cultivate some useful learning strategies.In order to explore some effective and efficient English vocabulary learning strategies and to solve the problems of vocabulary learning, the empirical study is adopted in this research. The empirical research of the dissertation carried out a semester-experimental research on vocabulary teaching under the guidance of association patterns in the two classes of second grade in Jilin No.1 middle school in the city of Jilin in Jilin province. One is the empirical class where the vocabulary teaching under the guidance of association patterns was applied. And the other is the controlled class where the traditional vocabulary teaching was adopted. The professional Statistical Product and Service Solution 19.0 has been used to analyze the result of the vocabulary test and questionnaire conducted at the end of the semester. And the result shows that the performance of the experimental class is better than the controlled class. What’s more, the teaching methods guided under the association patterns are welcomed by the empirical class Therefore, teaching the English vocabulary under the guidance of association patterns in senior middle high school is very effective and efficient.There are mainly five chapters in this dissertation.Chapter One is the introduction. At the very beginning, the background of the research and the main questions of the dissertation have been illustrated, focusing on the importance of the vocabulary teaching and criticizing the weakness of the present vocabulary teaching. And the significance of the research and the layout of the dissertation have been put forward.Chapter two is the literature review. The Schema theory and the relative study on the association patterns have been expatiated. And the goals of the English vocabulary teaching in the senior middle high school are required by the new Curriculum Standard and some specific vocabulary teaching methods. What’s more, the relative foreign and domestic studies on the English vocabulary teaching have been discussed, followed by the specific associated vocabulary teaching methods.Chapter three is empirical study on the vocabulary teaching under the guided of association pattern which has been conducted in the Middle high school. This chapter mainly states the conduction and performance of the empirical study. Firs of all, the paper analyzed the subject, purpose, time, methods of the study. And then it illustrates the process of the empirical study. At the end of the chapter, the paper takes the Unit 2 Poems of Book 6 which is The edition published by the People’s Education Publishing House as the example to show the application of the association patterns in the real teaching activities.Chapter four is mainly focusing on the discussion of the study result, which includes the vocabulary test and questionnaire before and after the empirical study. The result of the former vocabulary test proves that the experimental and controlled classes are alike, which means they can be chosen as the subjects of the study. Besides, the later vocabulary test shows that the performance of the experimental class is better than the controlled class.The result of the questionnaire also shows that the vocabulary teaching under the association patterns are more likely to improve student’s vocabulary learning ability and motivated their interest.Chapter Five is the conclusion. In this chapter, the paper concludes the results and the findings of the empirical study, also states the limitations of the study and some suggestions on the further study in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Schema theory, Association patterns, English vocabulary teaching in the middle high school, Empirical study
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