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The Theory And Practice Of Chinese Activitycourse In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2015-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330467966753Subject:Subject Languages ​​
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Economy aims for today, technology aims for tomorrow, while educationaims for the future." As indicated in the famous saying, education means thefuture, and basic education could be called the base of the whole education tower,which explains well why the curriculum reform of basic education has beencarried out in many countries of the world. Meanwhile, our country alsoconducted curriculum reform several times for the basic education after thefoundation of New China. In view of the problems in basic education curriculum,the new curriculum standard states that, modern society requires citizens to havea good humanity and science literacy, with innovative mind, cooperation spiritand open vision, as well as the ability to apply modern technology to informationcollection and processing. With particular reference to language education, thestandard suggests the old way to emphasis negative input of knowledge bymemorizing and training mechanically must be substituted by active participation,exploration and practice by students, in order to train students’ ability to collectand process information, to acquire new knowledge, to analyze and solveproblems, as well as to communicate and cooperate with others. Long served infront-line language education teaching, I studied the junior high school languageactivity curriculum in my usual teaching practice, aiming at the above spirit innew curriculum standard. I took teaching theory as the guidance for teachingpractice, first to clarify the background, connotation, characteristics, implementation strategies and significance of language activity curriculum, andthen to explore the humanity and professional objectives of activity curriculumbased on the goals of language class teaching in character teaching, reading,writing and oral communication. In the third part of the paper, I summarized theactivity practices in my junior high school language activity curriculum in thepast five years, and, in line with the characteristics of language curriculum,proposed the model design for junior high school language activity curriculum tocombine language knowledge with other disciplines of knowledge, makinglanguage knowledge life-like and emotional through combination with thepractices. In addition to the analysis of some typical cases, I explored theeffectiveness and commonality of the above proposal.At the end of the paper, the present problems and thoughts were discussed,in order to attract more attention and thinking in the same profession, so that thereform and exploration on language curriculum would be improved continually inthe future.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Curriculum Standard, Junior High school Language ClassTeaching, Activity Curriculum, Model Design
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