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Research On Effectiveness Of Ideological And Political Education In Military Academy

Posted on:2015-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330467470866Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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The military academy is an important part of the national army building, is the cradle ofhigh-quality military talents in China, is an important place for military cadres to continueeducation. Military Academy in pay attention to professional quality and ability improvementat the same time, the implementation of reform and innovation, ideological and politicaleducation of students to the development of the times and of our army construction direction,improve the ideological and political literacy plays a vital role in. How to combine theideological and political education work, adhere to the people-oriented idea, adhere to strictmanagement, to affection goes, people with moral, the military academy ideological andpolitical education work not as a mere formality, not the form, win support among the people,is a great subject in front of us. The effectiveness of the ideological and political educationembodies reached Military Ideological and political education degree and the achievements,the research on the effectiveness of the ideological and political education of has outstandingacademic value and practical significance.In this paper, using literature analysis, survey research, comparative research methods,based on the detailed analysis of the effectiveness of Ideological and political education in themilitary academies of the research background, status, significance of the problems from thefollowing three aspects to discuss.First of all, starting from the relevant concept of Ideological and political education,effectiveness, interpretation of its connotation, characteristics, types and functions, cleartheoretically the basic content and related to the effectiveness of Ideological and politicaleducation in the military academies of the problem.Secondly, according to the actual current military ideological and political education,points out the existing problems in this part of the military, such as not prominentcharacteristics, education contents are out of date, education methods need to be improved,lack of teachers, structure to be adjusted. On this basis, analyses the factors influencing theefficiency of Army Ideological and political education. The key from the impact of theeffectiveness of Ideological and political education in military colleges and universities ofeducation subject, education content, education target, education methods and educationenvironment and other factors, reveals the cause its effectiveness of the reasons of poor.Finally, aiming at the existing problems and influencing factors, on the subject ofeducation, educational content, educational objectives, five teaching methods and educationenvironment, puts forward some countermeasures for improving the effectiveness ofIdeological and political education of the army colleges and solutions. Such as improving thecomprehensive quality of the subject of the ideological and political education in the militaryacademies, including knowledge and working skills; improve the ideological and politicaleducation in military academies; the method and means of Ideological and political educationreform in military academies, including the method of innovation, to carry out various formsof activities of ideological and political education, innovation education, strengtheninternational exchanges, make full with reference to foreign similar educational activitieseffective method; optimize the environment construction of Ideological and politicaleducation in military colleges and universities, including the optimization of military colleges and universities ideological and political education environment, promote the legislativeprocess, to create a good moral environment, the establishment of monitoring system, andstrengthen the public opinion, and create a healthy public opinion environment measures.Finally for the training of high-quality military cadres personnel, with the core values of thecontemporary revolutionary soldier, keep a firm political belief and pure moral make certaincontribution.The Military colleges and universities is the cradle of training qualified militarypersonnel. It has always attached great importance to ideological and political education ofstudents, manpower, energy and material resources input a lot. However, the investment andbenefit of the existence of a considerable distance. The cause of poor educational results inmany aspects. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is for the purpose of through ownteaching experience to analyze the current status of the army colleges and universitiesideological and political education, and the effective countermeasures are raised with thereality of universities, realize to improve the effectiveness of College Ideological and politicaleducation, cultivating the compound type forces the backbone to meet the condition of thenew military change objective. Obviously, the work of Ideological and political education inmilitary colleges and universities affects the overall situation, is a huge and complicatedsystem engineering, it is an arduous task for urgent and realistic, and the practice is also anever-ending process of exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Military academies, Ideological and political education, Effectiveness
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