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The Applied Research Of The Experiential Teaching Of Primary School In Thailand

Posted on:2016-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330464970532Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Experiential teaching is a teaching method that teachers create specific contexts in the teaching process, inspire students emotion, allow students to take the initiative to experience, develop self-teaching. I will introduce this method to Thai primary school’s classroom which emphasis on the quality education. To explore the effect of teaching and give some recommendations. The thesis has four chapters:The first chapter is introduction. The first section describes the background, from the current situation of Chinese teaching in Thailand, indicating that the value of the research topic. Section II is the study of meaning, explanation from the theoretical and practical significance in two ways. Section III studies the research status, the first, since ancient times, discusses research on the experience of foreign and domestic, and then discusses the domestic research experience teaching, research and finally discusses aspects of a foreign language experience teaching. Section IV is a research method, the main use of literature, observation, case law and comparative analysis.Chapter II is experiential teaching connotations and features. Section start with philosophy, psychology, pedagogy interpretation "experience" meaning in education, and then discusses the meaning of experience teaching. Section II describes the theoretical basis for experiential learning, including constructivism, existentialism, Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Section III discusses the characteristics of experiential teaching. Section IV analyzes the characteristics of Thai primary school teaching.Chapter III implementation experience teaching. Section research purposes, the study and use of materials, "Experiencing Chinese." Section II of the students and teachers from both analyzes the significance of experience teaching. Section III put forward a four-point implementation of the principle of experiential learning:active principle motivating principle, the principle of proportionality and the principle of autonomy. From the fourth quarter before the experience, experience after experience and analysis of experience teaching in what part of the implementation. V from the three main aspects of the design experiential curriculum, and in each case reflect. Section VI in the form of a questionnaire survey on the impact of experiential learning on student motivation to do the analysis.Chapter IV explained some issues when teaching and make recommendations based on the author’s experience. Experience teaching Chinese as a foreign make some contribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Experiential Teaching, Thailand, Primary School, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
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