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Study On The Talent Development Of China Construction Bank System

Posted on:2016-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461983067Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the knowledge economy, increasingly fierce competition for talent, and talent development in Inner Mongolia branch of China Construction Bank entered a crucial period. In recent years, the Inner Mongolia branch of China Construction Bank to seriously implement the Central Government’s request for stepped up training and selecting young cadres, increase the intensity of the training, selection and use of. However, due to the existing concept and the development of the times there is a gap in talent development, the Inner Mongolia branch of China Construction Bank still has many problems. In the talent development process in order to take care of the old people’s feelings and emotions to enable young people to career development needs were ignored and eventually lead to brain drain. While the Inner Mongolia branch of China Construction Bank campus recruitment methods, such as add some young and highly educated people, but because of the older management talent, work and ability to meet competition requirements, it is difficult to adapt to the development of modern business. How to upgrade the quality of talents, how to resolve performance issues such as allocation to attract and retain talents, using talents, all Inner Mongolia branch of China Construction Bank is facing a real challenge. For the Inner Mongolia branch of China Construction Bank, to speed up implementing the selection and appointment system reform, pay attention to the development of talent training mechanism and incentive mechanism, so as to accelerate the process of talent development in Inner Mongolia branch of China Construction Bank.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inner Mongolia China Construction Bank, talent, talent development, compete
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