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The Generating Problems And Effectively Reply For The Teaching Of Expository Teaching For The Junior High School

Posted on:2016-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the carrier of expository writing in Chinese textbooks for the spread of the scientific knowledge,it illustrates the main means of expression, and it has been widely used in daily life,and it has the important status and value in the junior high school textbook. exposition to the basic characteristics of strict and normative scientific language, it fully embodies the practicality and the tool of Chinese discipline, and improves the students’ cognitive thinking and reading and writing skills, and it has the vital significance. Teaching expository writing as an effective means to develop students’ scientific knowledge and practical skills, it is a dynamic process of mutual construction of teachers and students in the language classroom teaching, and it has achieves scientific teaching concept platform,and promotes students’ scientific understanding attributes of things. However, the teaching of expository writing is always difficult to break through bottlenecks in junior high school Chinese teaching.Teachers who have neglect the embodiment of natural beauty emphasis on the expository method and stylistic knowledge, neglect the beauty of wisdom of expository writing, language beauty, and image beauty.They have been taken by surprise and appears in the teaching process of pre arranged outside the teaching problems, greatly affect the students learning interest, and failed to fully reflect the value of the expository teaching. This paper analysis on the point of junior high school teaching of expository writing generation problem, which has accorded to the requirements of the new curriculum teaching, fully analyzed the existing problems in the present expository teaching,.it has selected of PEP, Beijing Normal University edition of Jiangsu Education Edition, expository writing in Junior Chinese textbook teaching examples, personalized to the problem of generation, re-examine between teaching method teaching goal.The paper let the teacher effectively deal with generation problem, improve teaching efficiency in the teaching of expository writing through the full and effective planning in classroom teaching and different teaching situation for the health of the Chinese classroom teaching.The first part,the paper explores the type of generating problems which has lead to expository style of the static characteristics of junior high school from the content characteristics, the knowledge introduction, the characteristics of expression and graphic with the point. In order to solve the teaching of exposition "for meaning forget the words",it has analysis the types of typical problems in the classroom teaching of expository writing to pave the way for the problem.The second part, the paper has analysis the types of typical problems expository dynamic in classroom teaching on the junior exposition dynamic teaching may generate question types of inquiry, which is attention from the knowledge difference,and focusing on the differences, query in order to solve the teaching of exposition in the "challenge".it has been ignoring the teacher teacher skills "existence", "counterattack teachers design", and "deviation preset pave the way for the teachers" problems.The third part, the paper puts forward the effective strategies according to the problem of generating expository teaching. Broaden the channel of teachers knowledge reserves, the paper accumulates rich teaching experience and scientific knowledge, and masters the expository teaching classroom speech initiative; It sights reading comprehension goals, and adheres to the teaching of exposition of the bottom line; It faces dynamic generation problem, and makes strategy to improve the construction process of science the knowledge structure of the students, and gives full play to the scientific value of expository writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Junior high school, the teaching of exposition, problem generation, effective response
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