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The Research On Questioning Effectiveness Of The English Teaching In High School

Posted on:2016-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461463109Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Both in traditional education and in aggressively promoting quality education today, asking question is always an important teaching method in teaching. Asking question can not only help students identify their own learning directions, but can also help students exercise their thinking skills, which is the purpose of teaching objectives objectives. In ancient Greece, the outstanding thinker and educator — Socrates. And his Socratic Method also use questions to develop the students ’ thinking, and lead the students to learn. Studies have shown that, at the present stage of English teaching in high school, the questioning in English class is clearly redundant to other subjects, especially in language input and output of the classroom situation, effecive questioning can arouse the students ’ learning initiative and enthusiasm for learning English so as to improve learning efficiency; Otherwise, it will become a problem of low efficiency or inefficiency, which not only has no benefit to teaching, but also affects the rhythm of teaching, and hits the students’ enthusiasm of participating in classroom teaching, eventually it leads to low efficiencies. Therefore, effective questioning can have a perfect optimization to teaching. Effective questioning plays an important role in improving the quality of teaching. Effective questioning includes the following functions: First, from the teachers’ point of view, effective questioning can let the teachers know the students to master the knowledge of the actual situation and accordingly, give the students timely reflects to improve the teaching efficiency; from the students’ point of view, teacher’s effective questioning can lead them to have the desire of learning knowledge and help them think positivly. To some extent, teachers’ effective questions have an impact on the students’ study, physical and mental development.This research is based on the concepts of effective teaching, questioning, and questioning effectiveness. And combines the implementation process of teachers’ classroom teaching to confirm six observation targets to investigate, study and analysis the current situation of questioning of English teaching in high school. There are two questions to study:(1) what are the problems of questioning of English teaching in high school?(2) how to improve the effectiveness of questioning of English teaching in high school ?Methods in this paper include consult and analysis the relevant literature review of questioning effectiveness, and conlude the previous studies to have a further study of questioning effectiveness in English teaching of high school; Through classroom observations, teacher interviews and student interviews as a secondary method, compare the results to verify the authenticity of the study.Through classroom observation and the teachers and students interviews found that there are four problems existed in questioning of English teaching in high school:(1) ignoring the subject position of the students;(2) the student who you ask is not unreasonable;(3) the time that the student anwsers the question is short;(4) the purpose of the question which the teacher asks is not clear and the type of the question is single. Correspondingly, four recommendations are made to improve the effectiveness of questioning of English teaching in high school.(1) establishing student-oriented teaching philosophy;(2) teachers should prepare well for the questions. At the same time, the purpose of the question should be clear;(3) designing the questions elaborately before the class, and playign the greatest role as much as possible;(4) holding the double rhythm of classroom and questioning, and embodying completely the art of questioning.
Keywords/Search Tags:English teaching in high school, questioning effectiveness, teaching efficiency
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