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The Effect Of Employment Society Participation On Postgraduate Employability

Posted on:2016-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461456861Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the further deepening of reform and opening up, the restructure of the market economy gradually improved and national demands for high level talents are also increasing rapidly. In order to adapt the needs of the rapid development of economy and society, the Ministry of Education greatly expands the postgraduate enrollment, which effectively increases the supply of talent. Postgraduate student enrollment began in 2003, for these only ten years; China achieved leapfrog development of graduate education scale. China has become the one of the countries which have the largest number of postgraduate students from all over the world. At the same time, along with the school system of graduate students transforming from three years to two and a half years or two years, the graduate employment situation of students is becoming more and more serious. According to statistical data of the Ministry of Education of college students, employment rate of the postgraduates was less than undergraduates for three consecutive years. In the face of many problems of employment, employment associations emerge as the time requiring. They help postgraduates improve their employment ability. This paper analyzes the ways that employment communities influence the employment ability, and explores the problems of the association to make the employment community sever for improving employment ability of postgraduates.Firstly, the paper describes the contradiction between the rapid expansion of the number of graduate students and the present employment situation intensifies, and emphatically introduces the present situation of employment society. The part of literature review, firstly, defines the basic concepts of the graduate employment ability and employment communities; Then, the relationship between employment and employment capacity of the community is reviewed, and the paper finds that the current domestic research on the relationship is relatively little.therefore, mining methods to Improve Graduate Employability are reviewed, and we find that the methods are mainly concentrated in the internship experience and increasing the occupation course; then, we further analyze the effect of employment community on graduate employment ability is positive.Based on the literature review, Theoretical assumptions are established. Based on the Theory of Social Capital And Human Capital, we assume the relationship between employment ability and the influence of job search channels, employment psychological impact and personal qualities. Eventually, a hypothesis model is formed.We form the questionnaire and interview design based on literature and hypotheses, and the paper also describes the rationality of selecting SCDA as the sample. At the same time, we design the questionnaire content, and verify the scale of the employment ability; employment community impacting employment psychology and employment community improve the ability.Furthermore, data analysis is practiced. We carry out descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, variance analysis and linear regression model. The correlation data to three aspects of the hypothesis is verified. In addition, different employment community participation and different role in the society promote different effects on employment abilityFinally, combined with interviews, we summarizes several suggestions, including increasing exchange with the previous community participants and establishing better interpersonal platform; innovation of content and form, in order to enhance the participation; making investigations for the graduate students to seek the advantageous way the most close to the breaking point of demand; looking for better ways of expanding formal-job-search Channel.
Keywords/Search Tags:Postgraduate Employability, Employment Society, Social Capital, Human Capital
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