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The Resrch On The Current Situation Of Examination Of Class Of Genoral Volleyball Of Physical Education Of Sports Colleges In Beijing

Posted on:2013-09-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L G YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330434476176Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
PE Majors charged with the important task of training physical education teachers, physical education professional students cultivate the quality of relationship with the future development of sports. Education reform continues to promote Volleyball Elementary Course assessment of the status quo is relatively scarce, especially for less specializes in assessment of general courses in physical education professional volleyball is not conducive to the Physical Education students training to enhance the quality. In this study, the use of literature, investigation, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, assessment of the status quo of Beijing College Physical Education Professional Volleyball Elementary Course, then put forward recommendations to solve problems, promote the PE Majors quality of Undergraduate Education to improve.The results show that:1. Four of the Beijing area colleges and universities training objectives highlight the moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development, the compound of Physical Education Personnel for the direction of development. Volleyball Elementary Course examination content of the four parts of the theory, practice, capacity, and usually results.2. Schools theory examination are the percentage system questions, using open-book examination, assessment content to the basic theory; practical assessment program is not unified, the score set specific combination of technology assessment and compliance, assessment content to basic volleyball technical; ability test results constitute a more reasonable assessment methods to spot game, the referee judging and Lessons assessment content analysis capabilities and the Magistrates’ practical ability to spot game, teaching ability, mainly; usually results while student attendance;examination results of feedback forms is not the same,26.7percent of classroom teachers to adjust the assessment program of the new round of studying the results of the exam.3. Classroom teachers Volleyball Elementary Course assessment and curriculum goals are basically the same;100%of the teachers and91.3%of students believe that the existing assessment to promote student learning volleyball, and play a significant role in guiding the choice of learning content.4. More hours of teaching, research tasks, weight constraints of classroom teachers to devote more effort to reform of the Common Course assessment; students’individual differences in assessment reform with the score of a unified standard asymmetric intrinsic motivation; teaching hours can not fully meet the teaching needs still exists; classroom teachers and between primary and secondary schools lack the necessary business contacts Volleyball Elementary Course assessment is not in the true sense combined with the practical needs of primary and secondary schools volleyball teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Colleges and universities, sports education, volleyball, assessment, present situation research
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