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Probe Into The Educational Practice Of Benjamin Franklin

Posted on:2015-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330431986038Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Benjamin Franklin is a man of his identity as everyone knows, politicians, scientists,businessmen and educators. For his research is always the hotspot in academe, this paperon the basis of previous studies, based on the literature, investigating him make aseducator achievement.This paper is divided into three parts, which are preface, text and epilogue.The first part is the introduction, including the significance and value of thisresearch, the research scholars at home and abroad and the research and innovation.The second part of this text, the text is divided into three chapters.The first chapter mainly introduces the origin of Benjamin Franklin’s educationthought and its thought. Thought is the baton, to explore the educational practice,research on his education thought can not be less. Only a correct understanding of theeducation thought, the education practice correctly. In this paper, Benjamin Franklin’seducation thought is summarized as pragmatism, democracy and nationalism in threeaspects, which influence the education thought origin are middle-class ideology,enlightenment, Puritanism and deism. These ideas are intertwined, is a profoundinfluence on the educational practice of Benjamin Franklin.The second chapter introduces a more comprehensive education practice ofBenjamin Franklin, part of which is the core of this paper. In this paper, the educationalpractice of Benjamin Franklin’s divided into self education, social education, schooleducation and family education, practice and practice four aspects, these four aspectsinfluence each other, are indispensable, constitute the educational practice of BenjaminFranklin. Thus, systematic and integrity of their educational practice in the educator isnot seeing more.The third chapter is about Benjamin Franklin and the deepening of educationalpractice, summed up the characteristics of their education, deepen the education practice.The third part is the conclusion of this article, is mainly to the Benjamin Franklineducation practice further expansion.
Keywords/Search Tags:America, Benjamin Franklin, Educational practice
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