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The Research On Application Of The Cooperative Learning In The Teaching Of Writing For Vocational School

Posted on:2014-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ShengFull Text:PDF
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Facing the21st century, the information society and the challenge of knowledgeeconomy era, as the modern people, compared with ever more need to communicate andcommunication, need the ability to speak and write. In education, with the qualityeducation of the layers of advance, the words of the people has become a more and moreexpressive ecological and basic element of development. Especially secondary stage,secondary language of the classroom teaching of composition is undoubtedly the bestwords expression "training", have to show a more human nature and humanity with charm,in the training of the students’ perception, communication and expression ability, etc, tostudents life more warmth and poetry.In this context,"autonomy" and "participation","interactive","inquiry" concept suchas pay more attention to the up and prompted the education field the return of thehumanities. In this process, in the1970s the United States rise is the world attention ofteaching theory and strategy system-cooperation composition teaching mode of beingintroduced to China, and start in some schools try out. In the thesis teaching mode focus oncooperation of the main body of the teaching, explore cooperation, embodies the autonomyand democracy, in the field of education has become an important research content,perhaps out of the thesis teaching predicament of good way.In the thesis teaching in vocational schools implementation of cooperative teachingstyle, in particular, can from the following several aspects by practice. To create a situation,stimulating the interest, create the ideal writing atmosphere. That is, through the interestingproposition, open proposition, events such as clever set question way proposition, createlively activity atmosphere, fully mobilize students’ enthusiasm; Through the equal dialogue,let each students have a chance to develop the individual point of view, in the dialogueform new thinking and understanding; Through the effective operatic, arouses student’senthusiasm, foster the good independently, cooperation, and explore consciousness. Second, we need to open Chinese teaching classroom composition, appropriate group,cooperation and exchange. That is, understanding students, reasonably allocate members;Make full preparation, careful discussion, earnestly implementing the; Summary reflection,and refine improve. Third, we need to link life, creative learning. Which encourage thestudents will look to the society projection, pay attention to the social phenomenon,focuses on cultural life, thinking about social phenomenon, behind things.According to the teaching practice, the thesis teaching co-operative made the obviousapplication effect completely meet the demands of the new curriculum. Cooperation in thethesis teaching, as groups of students together form organization division of thinking, discuss, group creation, writing to finish and then come back to edit, benefit students mental health growth, good habits, complete the development of personality. First of all, it will promote the students’ comprehensive quality. Cooperation in the thesis teaching, focus on improving the students’ subjectivity, social quality, and carry out the students’ subject status, strengthening students’ team consciousness, cultivate the ability to work with people, but also to train imagination ability, develops the student thought. Secondly, it will enhance the studentsability to composition. Cooperation in the thesis teaching, by inspiring students’ writing enthusiasm, cultivating students’ interest in composition, effectively improve the students’ comprehensive ability in writing, to develop the student to revise the thesis of the good habits. Third, it will enhance the teachers’ teaching ability. the thesis teaching co-operative willmake the teachers spend more energy studying teaching content and master the students’ psychological to evaluate the students’ ability in Chinese. Then they will be close with the students, design teaching elaborately and make effort to explore a new teaching idea, finally to upgrade their professional standards.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school, writing instruction, collaborative learning
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