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Development Practice In Volleyball Teaching Content Of The Feasibility Study

Posted on:2014-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330428964338Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Volleyball is our advantageous sports, Chinese women’s volleyball team in the Olympics five consecutive impressive record. For a long time, both in the mass volleyball sport or in school sports among both got better popularization and development.Volleyball has also been teaching at colleges and universities full attention, playing its inherent fitness, entertainment and sports role. However, with our continuous improvement of people’s living standards, social and cultural life and constantly enrich the sports function "expansion" has become the sport can be an important factor for sustainable development. However, the impact of the traditional teaching mode, as the rich connotation of the volleyball project, its role is extremely limited, that just stay in maintaining good health as the main function, which causes the College Physical shrinking volleyball project and today’s Volleyball Teaching form of a single boring content, resulting in a lack of student interest in the sport, so volleyball teaching both from formal lectures, or in the teaching content, as well as assessment methods are urgently innovation, and expand its basic innovative feature is one of the ways.External manifestation of the volleyball program and analysis of the intrinsic functions that it not only has the inherent physical fitness, mental and physical pleasure and competition function, but also can serve as a nurturing person’s intrinsic value means. It expanded with today’s emerging practice there is a more compact internal relations. Learned through research, development exercises will be the further development of college volleyball project "tonic."First, by expanding into volleyball practice to further help improve volleyball tactics, techniques and skills. Traditional sports institutions teaching is followed in the past GB athletic training methods, in order to enhance the process of volleyball training skills, technology and tactics. However, the task of teaching in colleges and universities to improve students’ physical fitness and mental pleasure is the main objective of teaching, and most sports academy students after graduation will be in secondary schools as physical education curriculum for high school students in courses whose main purpose is to improve student on the basis of quality and physical and mental pleasure master volleyball skills, techniques and tactics, and is therefore in the past GB style athletic training have a fundamental difference. Therefore, to expand into the content of classroom teaching practice, especially with different teaching methods to guide students to learn volleyball techniques, skills and tactics, but also help to obtain the effect of Volleyball Teaching.Second, by expanding into volleyball practice, cultivate people’s sense of teamwork in today’s complex society, a more significant small-handedly, also highlights the importance of teamwork. Since volleyball project itself due to the rules, athletes must have a strong sense of collaboration. This sense of collaboration is needed, not only in athletics, but in daily life is also necessary. By expanding into volleyball practice forms of teaching, students learn through practice volleyball rules and expand the teaching process, enhance their sense of collaboration. Collaboration in expanding the teaching process to get fun, and this collaboration is also fun to get the maximum expansion of volleyball rules. This complementary teaching method is both functional exercises to expand the depth of excavation, but also on ways and means of teaching volleyball powerful supplement.Thirdly, by expanding into volleyball practice to improve students’ volleyball fun project itself. Volleyball project itself is a form of entertainment and games, its emergence and development is closely related to its gaming features. The essential feature of the game is to get pleasure from, by expanding into volleyball practice teaching, the students not only in the volleyball tournament results can be obtained in the fun of winning, but also through the expansion of decomposition volleyball practice, so that students in terms of skills, techniques and tactics learning process, to experience the thrill of having fun. The game of volleyball as an expansion of a goal, the project will be volleyball skills, techniques and tactics for the game-based means, which also aims to enable students to have fun, to improve students’ Volleyball favor. Expanding practice characteristics, is in training means having the flexibility and adaptability, stimulating and challenging, fun and openness, organization and planning. The basic principle is to expand the training outdoors natural environment, which is guided physical activity, mental challenge as the focus, the limit required for the condition, perfect personality as the goal. Expansion exercises are able to make the trainer in this collective ideology, challenging, fun, competitive, practical, educational and nature in fitness training in one of the United Front adequately train and improve. By expanding practice also enables the trainer to experience the role of groups to enhance the sense of participation and social responsibility, increase cohesion between team members, and on this basis, compared to fully tap the personal qualities, wisdom and potential.Fourth, help entertaining. Volleyball rules are needed over the net three sports, so you need to increase coordination with the whole team, every player in the team need to understand their responsibilities and obligations. Another rule is that volleyball rotation system, so that each person’s role in the team although fixed, but the other roles also need to be familiar skills, not blindly do their one skill on the line, but others familiar Role learn the role of a learning process of others. Volleyball competition process is full of competition, everyone will face the process of winning and losing the other violent attacks, so that the time required for each player, psychological training is also an important project, each team not only need to meet each other’s needs but also the onslaught of psychological and win the team during the game against fluctuations can remain unbiased state. The training process is to expand training exercises each player teamwork exercises together to meet the difficult challenges, but challenges are real in every meaningful experience the challenges of the process but also to raise each player’s psychological resilience in the face of enormous psychological pressure can be in a normal state of mind to face competition training.By expanding the practice into the classroom practice teaching activities, in the use of means of expanding into volleyball practice teaching practice observation, demonstrates the expanding practice can be effectively integrated into all aspects of the process of teaching volleyball to improve the quality corresponding to prove expand the practice teaching methods volleyball into the teaching process is feasible. Exercise is also drawn to expand the gameplay are trained to increase student interest in learning, and will not produce fatigue conclusions. Training can change the past, boring teaching methods to increase students’ interest in learning, improve mental stress resistance. Volleyball Volleyball Teaching classroom teachers in the use of expanded practice, not only to get to the good teaching results but also play a prominent expertise aimed at students with comprehensive training of highly qualified personnel targets athletes to arrive expand into volleyball practice teaching the process is necessary.After a year of expansion into contrast to the common practice of teaching practice teaching mode volleyball, volleyball author through surveys of teachers and students in the class volleyball courses to improve follow-up survey, demonstration exercises expand drawn into the process of teaching content volleyball is feasible while drawn into the expanding practice volleyball programs can meet the student step by step learning rules, students learn in the transfer of technology as well as a member of the volleyball match on both upper and psychological qualities gradually increased, especially in the teaching methods are also able to meet by Jane into the hard science teaching conclusions. Volleyball Volleyball teachers in the teaching process application development practice teaching means teaching will receive a certain effect, and the effect of increasing teamwork is particularly prominent, and make up for past teaching process as well as the students’ psychological quality cultured personality lack of student interest in improving the students and to increase students’ physical on both avoiding conventional boring teaching. So I come to expand into volleyball practice teaching content is feasible and necessary conclusions...
Keywords/Search Tags:Development practice, Volleyball teaching, student
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