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History Research On Den Xiaoping’s Southern Talks’ Communication

Posted on:2017-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
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After the political turbulence in 1989, in the ideological field, mainstream public opinions turned back to the left; in the economic field, planned economy again became dominant. During the Spring Festival of 1991, Deng Xiaoping made a series of speeches in Shanghai, stressing the need to continue the commitment to reform and opening-up. Except for “A Series of Comment by Huang Fuping” published by Jie Fang Daily, opinions of the reformists were hardly transmitted, and were even criticized. In 1992, accompanied by his families, Deng Xiaoping went to Guangdong for Spring Festival, during which he made the famous Southern Talks. However, Deng’s tour to South China was only reported by Hong Kong media, having limited influence. On March 26, 1992, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily published Thriving Springtime Comes with East Wind: Record of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s Visit of Shenzhen, which was authored by Chen Xitian, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the paper. Later, republished by Xinhua News Agency, the article became a powerful and historic work that influenced the process of China’s reform and opening-up.This essay summarizes the disciplines of political propaganda of the Communist Party of China since its establishment, displays how Deng Xiaoping’s opinions of Reform and Opening-up were transmitted from 1991 to 1992, and maps the propaganda path along which Deng Xiaoping’s opinions of Reform and Opening-up became a consensus among the people. Besides, in the perspective of textual analysis, this essay discusses the innovative and unique features of the journalist techniques of the article Thriving Springtime Comes with East Wind: Record of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s Visit of Shenzhen. It points out that China’s ideological market should be more tolerant and respectful of the tradition of argument, and reaches to the conclusion that the political propaganda. was difficult to copy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Den Xiaoping’s Southern Talks, political communication, history research
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