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Research On The System Of Revocation Of The Guardianship Of The Minors

Posted on:2017-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YangFull Text:PDF
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The revocation of the guardianship of minors, is that the guardian does not fulfill the legitimate rights and interests of guardianship duties or abuse of minors, education reform, the people’s court can according to the relevant agencies or personnel application, deprived of the guardian’s guardianship system.The establishment of the system is the intention of taking public power to intervene to make up the lack of autonomy of private rights, to ensure that the right to exercise the right to protect the personal and property interests of minors. The design of the system itself contains the ethical dimension of response.In our country, although the current law of the system has been made, but there are still many deficiencies and defects.This thesis through real-life cases, as well as on the legislative status of the system, analyzing the legal difficulties of the implementation of the scheme, including the right to guardianship of minors set up system of incomplete understanding, support mechanisms are not perfect.With foreign custody withdrawal system of comparative analysis based on problems in the system, combined with China’s specific national conditions, explore the corresponding improvement programmes.In the legislation to enhance guardianship of minors the right to cancel the system of legal order, limit and improve should be withdraw and subject of claim right, perfect follow-up relief and security mechanism of the construction, to better safeguard not the legitimate rights and interests of adults and safeguard the juvenile healthy growth, promoting family stability and social development.
Keywords/Search Tags:guardianship, minors, legitimate rights and interests, revocation system
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