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Reflection And Perfection Of The Crime Of Abuse

Posted on:2016-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ZouFull Text:PDF
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"The wisdom of youth is a country’true wisdom, as the strength of youth is a country’s true strength".The importance of children in a country or nation is self-evident,however, the event of child abuse still happens now and then. The crime of abuse is the main regulating accusation of child abuse crime in our country.But, because of the restrictive elements that the crime subject must be "the family member",it is too passive in response to child abuse cases of teacher or nanny,and intentional injury and other related charges have their limits. Draw lessons from the experiences in legislation that the subject of the crime of abuse is ruled broad in other countries,the crime of abuse in our country has a few space to be improved in the regulation of child abuse. Based on the perspective of child abuse in this paper, I will analyse the problem of child abuse into the penalty, advocate to establish mandatory reporting system, put forward the subject of the crime of abuse, the behavior object and objective aspects of improvement, in order to achieve the effective regulation of child abuse in the criminal legislation.This paper consists of three parts:preface, main text and conclusion. The main text is divided into five chapters, the specific contents are as follows:The first chapter is from the types and status of child abuse, through the list of China’s laws and regulations,to propose the existence of barriers to the law of our country in the abuse of children in response to non family members. The second chapter analyzes why it is difficult to pursue the criminal responsibility of abuse of children. The third chapter is to perfect the judicial determination of abuse of crime,with the abuse of child crime for example. The fourth chapter analyzes the necessity of the abuse of children into punishment. In the fifth chapter, through the analysis of the constituent elements of the current abuse, the author points out the defects in the problem of the abuse of child abuse,and then puts forward the amendment of the crime of abuse.
Keywords/Search Tags:child abuse, the crime of adbuse, mandatory reporting, expanse the main
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