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Introspection And Perfection Of The Criminal Legislation On The Problem Of Food Safety Crime

Posted on:2017-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
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Food safety concerns the basic survival of mankind, and it is the basic premise of the sustainable development of society. In recent years, along with the frequent outbreaks of food safety problems and the integration of the global economy, regional food safety problem can spread all over the world in a short time, so it has become a worldwide problem. In China, food safety is a terrible problem. Food safety issues are relatedto the national economy and the people’s livelihood, so we must regulate the behavior of the food industry by the legal system. The new "Food Safety Law"promulgated in 2015, which has improved the management and supervision of the food industry and standardized the order of the market economy of China, is conducive to the fight against food illegal behavior, and protective to the public health. Criminal law is the last shield of the other departments of the legal system, and it should be coordinated with the "Food Safety Law", to play its role in the issue of food safety. However, the current criminal law has not been along with the "Food Safety Law" to make corresponding changes, resulting in thecontradiction in the system of food safety laws.This thesis is divided into three chapters:Chapter onestates the concept, types of food safety crime, andthe importance to protect the food safety with criminal law, and analyze every charge of food safety crime in current criminal lawwith reference to the SanluCase.Chapter two discusses the defect of current criminal lawfrom the angles of the idea of the criminal law protection, the criminal law system, and the system of criminal law.The current criminal law is lack in the negligent offence and qualification penalty of food safety crime by the idea of temper justice with mercy, and the idea of strict but not secret.Chapter three put forward a number of improvement measuresfrom the aspects of the amendments to the criminal law and accessory criminal law,to improve the harmony of the food safety law systemof our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:food safety crime, criminal law, food safety law
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