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Research On Kindling The Vigor Of Social Organization In Guangxi

Posted on:2017-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330488475266Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC claimed a new social governance goal mainly through "improving methods of social governance, kindling the vigor of social organizations", and as a critical power of social governance, the social organizations will play more important role in transforming government function, innovating social governance and enhancing social construction. Therefore, it is emergent for government of all levels to kindle the vigor of social organizations. In recent years, it has a booming social organizations in Guangxi province. However, by the restraint of nature geography environment, historic condition and economic development, the social organizations overall experience the germination stage, which are lack of dynamic. Thus there is significant theoretically and practically in taking the transformation of government function, anticipating administration of social public issues, releasing itself vigor, if the public policy of releasing the vigor of social organizations in Guangxi province get well researched. Kindling vigor of social organizations means kindling the capacity of every element in social organizations to be benefit for the development of themselves in specific condition. This article attempts to give a core concept-"vigor of social organization", explain the essential attribute and social functions by generalizing theories and logic extension. Moreover, the basic character of vigor of social organizations include four parts:vitality, self-reliance, development and contribution.This article discusses the present situation of social organization vigor in Guangxi through theoretical and statistical analysis, and design systematically the public policy route and option to kindle the vigor of social organizations through registrations management, assistant cultivation, supervision and evaluation.Based on the research of theory from home to abroad. This article will start by discussing the concept of social organization vigor, analyze deeply the nature, element structure and basic character of social organization vigor, taking "independence", "operation efficiency", "public service", "value leading" as parameter of official social organization, and taking "survival capacity", "self-update capacity", "competitiveness capacity", "service capacity" as parameters of non-official social organization. Furthermore, discussing the recent background for kindling social organization vigor, and pointing the important function of administration governance in kindling social organization vigor. And then, the reality analysis of different vigor of official and non-official social organization will be started from the actual background of social organizations’ development in Guangxi province, combining the different vigor element structure between official and non-official social organization. After, the discussion will move to the political reasons which result of shortage of social organization vigor in Guangxi, analyzing in details the dilemma which obstacle the vigor of social organizations, such as the registrations management, assistant cultivation, supervision and evaluation. At last, the exploring suggestion and advice, will be proposed through referring and concluding other mature experience, which includes accelerating the disconnection between official social organizations and government, extending the range of direct registration, enhancing the assistant for the non-official social organizations, promoting the institution construction of government purchase in social organizations’service and improving the evaluation and supervision system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vigor of social organizations, Countermeasure research, Guangxi
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