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A Study On Deng Xiaoping’s Thought About The Party’s Leadership Cadre Selection And Appointment

Posted on:2017-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330488464574Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As founder and chief architect of reform and opening up the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which the Historical Status of Deng Xiaoping decided to study the nexus of selecting and appointing cadres ideological theory has a unique value. The selection and appointment of leading cadres of the Party ideology since Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening up as a whole, trying to study from the perspective of its overall internal logic of the various components, roughly combing Contribution of Deng Xiaoping’s leadership cadre selection and appointment, and from which to explore the further deepen the party’s leading cadres selection and appointment of contemporary inspiration, it is the original intention of the study.Deng Xiaoping’s leadership of the Party cadre selection and appointment of inheritance is thought of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Mao Zedong and other proletarian revolutionaries on the basis of Cadre Construction on fully understand the historical position of the party and the country in which the leadership of the party cadres and the actual situation It proposed.Deng Xiaoping’s leadership of the Party cadre selection and appointment of thinking is rich in content, this paper attempts to clarify the party’s leadership of Deng Xiaoping Thought selecting and appointing cadres on the basis of history, from the recovery, "merit," cadre line, points out in the new era of Deng Xiaoping targeted cadres proposed "four modernizations" policy, and constantly updated "ability and political integrity," the cadre selection criteria based on the needs of the times. On this basis, propose ways to realize selecting and appointing cadres, Deng Xiaoping and analyzes the party’s leading cadres selection and appointment of the main ideological inheritance and innovation of unity, the unity of theory and practice, the unity of principle and flexibility systematic and key characteristics of unity.Deng Xiaoping’s leadership of the Party cadre selection and appointment of thinking not only enrich and develop the Party’s leadership cadre selection and ideas, in order to continue to deepen the reform of the selection and appointment system of cadres and laid a solid theoretical foundation, as well as socialist modernization selection of a large number of outstanding leading cadres. Finally, to explore from the party’s leadership of Deng Xiaoping Thought of selecting and appointing cadres to continue to deepen the work of selecting and appointing cadres Contemporary Enlightenment, undoubtedly has important practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, Party’s leading cadres, selection and appointment
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