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Rule Of Law Society Construction Outline

Posted on:2017-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D NieFull Text:PDF
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“Society by Rule of Law” is different from “Country by Rule of Law” that the concept of universal meaning of independence, It is composed of a form of legalization of civil society, political society and economical society three parts. the building of a law-based society will lead China to complete the civil transformation.and society can achieve the independent national governance functions under the "National Society" dual structure.The most critical is understanding,formation and construction of information rights, it will form the basis for a new era of freedom.,it will boost the rule of law society mature. The construction process of "society by rule of law" take the " information right" as the core power. and requires both information epistemology foundation and Communication Studies to achieve social self-help.the rights of constitutional and administrative law aspects of real determinate, while the country from level security system should build assists style side mechanism is also very necessary.To demonstrate the above proposition, this paper fully absorbed in the relevant research results on the use of historical analysis, comparative analysis, systems analysis and other research methods, and the use of first-hand information as possible, vigorously carry out empirical research. Moreover, this paper intends to integrate theory with practice, focus on the social construction of the actual rule of law, targeted to a study. It should be emphasized that the present study has a basic starting point the proposition that the rule of law society itself does not rule of law and the country apart, but stressed that the relative independence of the meaning and significance of the power of the rule of law society, so that the rule of law become the proposition expand the foundation for the rule of law become the core of the social rule of law in China construction.It demonstrates process is divided into five steps: basic questions about the concept of the rule of law, and other elements of the clearance; bedding theories about the existence of the rule of law society, necessity, etc; guidelines on the social construction process of the rule of law should follow the principles and objectives; construction Law on Social construction of the core power theory; on basic social rule of law to promote the idea of the steps.The first chapter, by the rule of law and the rule of law, law-based government, the rule of law relatively China determined by the difference with the civil society, the rule of law in social management, social rule of national law society should in any position in the construction of rule, and Contact with the clearance, and promote the rule of lawmeaning independent of the construction, including elements of why, what kind of state of its construction should be formed. This chapter is intended to illustrate a fundamental problem: the rule of law means complementary to the rule of law, to protect the fundamental rights of the right to information as the driver to participate in interactive and other democratic content demands can ruminants national law, relying on endogenous soft regulations is to achieve after the self-modernism civil society, the centrality of the rule of law community building.The second chapter, mainly through sociology, philosophy of law and constitutional theory as bedding,rely the longitudinal comparison,and regional horizontal comparison,indicating the presence of the rule of law and the necessity of building and refining a preliminary mission to become the social rule of law the concept of the right to information possible. This chapter is intended to explain the progressive nature two questions: Why is the construction of the rule of law and social law possible.The third chapter, mainly through construct the information right,and find the role of public participation and social public power, then expound a critical theory of a law-based society building,and interaction in this society,and abstract paradigm further.The fourth chapter,mainly through the role of the state and society in the social rule of law in the process of positioning, responsibilities border demarcation, to determine the basic principles of the rule of law society. Society must uphold the rule of law principle can only losing the corresponding direction, the ultimate goal arrived. The rule of law with relative independence, has two meanings, one is the social rule of law refers to the process of the respective countries bear responsibility; on the other hand society itself should keep their initiative,and play a fundamental effect in the construction. This also means that nation must follow the appropriate principles,and society should follow autonomy principle. Under the guidance of these principles, the rule of law society in order to achieve substantive improvements in the form of spirit, strength and effectiveness. This chapter is intended to explain a problem: the direction of the rule of law society,and what the basic principles should be followed.The fourth chapter, the main building of the core concept of power by the rule of law- "right to information" in refining further clarify its role and position in the social construction of the rule of law, as well as the specific how helpful Legal Society.Construction of the rule of law to the right to information as the basic spirit of the core,fundamental rights such as the right of information given to protect constitutional and administrative law real premise, autonomous rule by the public involved in stimulatinggenerated to run basis to gain social control and public power, and through social justice powers to restrict state power to achieve real improvements of society in internally fully interactive and external actively involved.
Keywords/Search Tags:rule of law society, Information Right, public participation, social public power
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