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The Study On Risk Management Of P2P Lending Platforms Under The Background Of Internet Finance

Posted on:2016-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330482969688Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the development of China’s financial system is still not perfect,lending system is still dominated by commercial banks in the current.Many small or micro enterprises or low-income groups have difficulties to achieve financial credit,consequencely they turn to P2P networks or financing opportunities.As of July 1st, 2015,lending platforms for P2P network total up to 1946,while the composite interest rate achieve 14.54%.Growth also pose great challenges for financial supervision,On one hand, lending platforms for P2P network manage in diversial models,represented by the Pat credit mediation patterns/security mode, or assignment mode.Although P2P has been incorporated into the CBRC Department of inclusivefinancial regulatory system, but p ositioning is stilldisputed.Second, P2P finance platforms has created risks, lendingplatform for P2P network risk prone to illegal fund-raising, and le ndersare concerned, is providing money-laundering crimes of opportunityWhile encourage innovation from P2P, you can also ensure thelegal rights of borrowers and the P2P industry development direction of legal regulation in the future.This paper is divided into the following sections:First part from the P2P network credits origins, concepts, introduces the basic meaning of P2P networks financial. Leads along with P2P business features and business model, and eventually to the P2P legal relationships involved in the operation, clear the basic legal connotations associated with P2P.Part II by the P2P development is crazy and financial risks,along with remaining risks set out including entry andexit mechanism of credit risk, platforms missing, illegal fund raising and money laundering risk.Third part focusing UK P2P experience and analysis ascompared to 1 ast, including regulators and regulatory measures at the endof Chinese and foreign financial environment than P2P,and the parts that can be applied.Part IV includes client money management,platform access and exitmechanism,eastablished regulatory system,and perfect credit system.Which also includes improving P2P developing environment aiming to promote P2P network platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:P2P, regulation, financial system
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