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Studies On The Perfecting Of Administrative Supply System From The Government’s Obligations Of The Human Rights Guarantee

Posted on:2012-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M EFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330482957396Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human rights are universal, expressing a sense of human dignity. Survival and development rights are two basic elements of human rights. The state and its government can never shirk its responsibility of the protecting these two basic human rights for citizens. So, full respect and protection for human rights has been the government’s duty. Therefore, the government must solve the problem of poverty through legislation, and its functions are no longer stick to maintain order. As a result, Administrative supply system was established. Administrative supply system is one of the important tools by the government on behalf of state to guarantee its citizens be able to maintain their basic living even when they are in difficult situations. Administrative supply system is specific and systematic form of the responsibility of government to protect human rights. As a real system, it’s not just ideas or concepts. The system must take the form of law to be identified and protected.The paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. The main content of this chapter is the purpose and meaning of the paper and the literature review. The second chapter is the overview of the government’s obligations of human rights guarantee and the administrative supply system. The third chapter writes the history and development of China’s administrative supply system. And point out the lack of institutional and legislative. The forth chapter is the Introduction of the administrative supply system of foreign countries. It summarizes the strengths of the system in foreign-related construction, and obtained revelations by comparing. The fifth chapter is some suggestion of Perfecting our administrative supply system. And the last chapter is the conclusion section.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adminstrative supply, Human rights guarantee, Supervision, Ability for payment, Perfecting
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