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Analysis On Crime Of The Rural Drug Crimes In Qinzhou

Posted on:2016-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S R MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330482954921Subject:Rural Society and Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Drugs as a world public nuisance, it is a serious social problem, has become increasingly serious drug problem has become a global disaster. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the rapid development of social economy, the various factors that affect social harmony and stability also emerged, such as drug crimes, a rising trend year by year in recent years, The status quo of drug complex situation is very serious. With the increasing of rural surplus labor force, the rural labor force resources frequently flow to the coastal developed areas, especially in guangdong and other coastal developed areas of rural farmers in young adults, after infected with drug addiction to return to country, seduce, led some teenagers drugs, buried a curse for the rural drug-related crime. Due to the rural economy is relatively backward, and people’s education level is low, even in today’s development of the People’s Republic of China, the rural areas still is in a state of relatively backward, the social problem is outstanding, the drug problem in rural has also become a more complex social problems. At the same time, with the constant improvement of the city on drug crime crackdown and mobility between urban and rural areas was accelerated, mainly in the city of drug-related cases began to gradually spread to the countryside. Gradually to police the suburban and rural spread of relatively weak, and according to the trend of more and more obvious diffusion.Like the country, in the guangxi qinzhou, county(district), township and village and other regions have a drug trafficking, smoking and other social problems.In this paper, starting from the basic concept, characteristics and harm of drugs, drug analysis to the health of smokers and life brought serious harm, as well as the induced by drugs and some social problems; And then introduces the outstanding characteristics of the current international drug problem and its reason, and set out to study the status and characteristics of the qinzhou rural drug crimes, including the rapid growth of rural drug crime cases, rural drug personnel’s deepening, rural drug consumption market continues to expand, and from the main body, object characteristics, psychological characteristics, behavior four aspects, summarizes the characteristics of drug crime; Finally, on the causes of formation of qinzhou rural drug crimes in detailed analysis and put forward countermeasures to solve the positive.According to the domestic scholar’s research results show that in recent years, the spread of drugs in the countryside is very fast, in addition to the rural drug dens and have seen a sharp rise in the Numbers of drug use, drug addicts in the younger age trend is very obvious. Drug problem is like a cancer on the rural populace’s healthy body and a happy family constitutes a serious threat. Therefore, the study of qinzhou rural drug crimes, conducive to the broad masses of qinzhou know the dangers of drug crimes in the countryside. In addition, the harm of it is not only the health of drug addicts himself and their families, the spread of drugs directly endanger people’s physical and mental health. Not only seriously affects the security and stability of society, more to the development of economy and the progress of the society brought great threat, the serious influence the stability of the social order, hindered the construction of socialist harmonious society smoothly. Drug crimes as well as bring social instability, in turn, affects the living environment in rural areas. Therefore, from the multi-level multi-angle and systematic analysis, put forward countermeasures for effective drug control measures according to local conditions, and to strengthen prevention and hit the qinzhou rural drug illegal and criminal activities, to promote the rural stability and prosperity of qinzhou, this undoubtedly has important theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drug, Drug crime, Rural drug crime, Qinzhou
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