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On The Perfecting Intellectual Property Guarantee System Of Our Country

Posted on:2016-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiaoFull Text:PDF
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China has made great development and progress on the implementation and application of intellectual property s ince 2008 China began t o implement the strategy of national intellectual property. Particularly,guarantee of intellectual prope rty rapidly developed wi th the amount of gua rante e by nearly 118% yerar-growth,but compared with t he fi nancing nee ds of small and medium-sized enterpr is es,there is still a big gap.Ambiguous definition of nature of guarantee of intell ectual prope rty,impe rfect r egistration system of guarantee of intell ectual property,and lack of implementation mechanisms as well,which block t he development of the i ntellectual property.In orde r to promote the de velopment of intellectual propert y,to use reasonably,to maxi miz e the impl ementation of intellectual property,to meet the financ ing needs of small and medium-sized enterprises,we should re-examine the current guarantee system of intellectual prope rty,and the establish the intellectual property mortgage system.Meanwhil e,we should reform the existing tedious,time consuming and not all- incl usive r egistra tion types i ntel lectual propertyguarantee sys tem.On the one hand,we shoule streaml ine the regulation organization of i ntel lectual pr operty guarantee,on the ot her hand we should perfect r egistra tion procedures and mat ters,to build efficient,conveni ent and compr ehensive registration sys tem of intellectual pr operty guarant ee.In addition,high efficient and reasonable realization mechanism of intellectual property guarantee,is t he important guarantee to realize guarantee right of intellectual property.So it is neces sary and urgent to establish a reasonable&s tabl e pr ice system and perfect&active i ntel lectual property tra ding market.
Keywords/Search Tags:guarantee of intellectual property, mortgage, registration of guarantee, realization of guarantee right
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