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On Specialization In Moral Education For Countryside

Posted on:2016-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N SongFull Text:PDF
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The specialization in moral education for countryside is based on farmers’ social cl ass, social environment, the gender composition and so on are divided into different typ es, and each type according to age characteristics, professional distribution, degree of cu lture, and other variables are divided into different levels, according to the type and leve l of farmers belong to resolve their own moral concept, moral character and morality, m oral education of targeted activities. Due to the lack of pertinence, farmers participate in previous moral education for countryside is not enough, the lack of moral education res ources,development and utilization of rural, rural formal partly due to the lack of moral education, the present stage in the rural areas to carry out the specialized moral educatio n not only necessary but also urgent. Certify, based on the urgent needs of the rural soci ety, with the support of the party and the government, in the social conditions of the rura l society to carry out moral education specialization has preliminarily, it is feasible that moral education specialization for countryside. For that, around the education objective,education content and education mode on rural moral education specialized system desi gn, namely the "production development, wealthy life, polite phenomenon, clean and tid y appearance and democratic management" for the rural moral education aims. In order to reflect the ethics of agricultural production "development", "wealthy life" farmers life ethics, reflect the rural ecological ethics of "village neatly", reflect the local custom civi lization of the rural customs, ethics, reflecting the rural institutional ethics of "managem ent democracy" as the rural moral education content; Based on interactive participation way of moral education in the countryside.
Keywords/Search Tags:Specialization in moral education for countryside, Education aims, Education content, Education forms
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