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Thoughts On Strengthening The Education Of Peasants In The Construction Of New Countryside

Posted on:2016-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470953311Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the CPC central committee under the statecouncil to agriculture, rural areas and farmers problems listed aspriority, focus on solving the problem of increasing farmers’ income,agricultural production and rural construction. Farmers is the mainforce of agricultural development and rural construction,continuously strengthen the farmers’ education, enhance theoverall quality and competitiveness of farmers, is the government todeepen reform, promote the rational and orderly transfer of ruralsurplus labor force’s important way. Only let farmers have culture,have management skills, and can only be treated with equal society,to better play its role in new rural construction.This article first comb in recent years about the new ruralconstruction and peasant education theory research results, in thenew rural construction to strengthen farmer education researchbackground and significance. Secondly, from the connotation,characteristics and necessity of farmer education, etc on peasanteducation status and significance in the new rural construction. Then analysis the current farmer education in the construction ofnew countryside in our country has some of the achievements andexisting problems, and provide reference basis forcountermeasures and thinking. Finally, from the contents and formsof the organization and leadership, team building, innovation,optimize environment and perfecting the guarantee mechanism toexplore in the new rural construction to strengthen farmereducation path selection, in order to do some useful exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new rural construction, farmers education, importance, path selection
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