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A Study On The Ancient Syracusan Democracy

Posted on:2016-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470953209Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ancient Greek democracy is a model of ruling by the majority inhistory. From ancient time up to now, scholars have alway beeninterested in this ruling method.An astonishing number of volumeshave been devoted to the well-attested Athenian case, whilenon-Athenian democracy—for which evidence is harder to comeby—has received only fleeting attention. However, what wasancient democracy like? Why did it spread in ancient Greek?Athenian democracy cannot build an understanding of thephenomenon.Based on available rearches of the former scholars, this paperpresents a detailed study of ancient Syracusan democracy,focusing on this examples outside Athens. There exists a scatteredbody of ancient material regarding democracy beyond Athens, fromancient literary authors and epigraphic documents toarchaeological evidence, Syracuse was the outstanding one, out ofwhich one can build an understanding to the ancient Greekdemocracy.The development of Syracusan democracy has experiencedthree stages roughly, there are many factors behind it. Syracuselies in Sicily with very important geographical location. This paper has three main goals: to understand the democratic governmentestablished themselves in ancient Greek city-states; to explain whydemocracy spread to many parts of Greece; and to further ourunderstanding of the narure of ancient democracy by studying itspractices beyond Athens.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancient Greek Democracy, Ancient Syracuse Democracy, Development of Syracusan Democracy
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